Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV
We can’t just watch Christianity from the sidelines, we must be an active participant. Our Scripture passage for today reminds us that we have all these great witnesses. In Hebrews chapter 11, which is often referred to as the Hall of Faith or Heroes, it goes through the Old Testament and speaks of the great faith these men of the Bible had. It tells us the things they had to do to run their race and stay the course.
If you have ever participated in any kind of sports, you know it requires skill, stamina and endurance. Christianity is no different. We are called to complete a task just as much as the baseball player is called to hit a home run and the football player is called to get the touchdown. The runner wants to be the first in the race to cross the finish line and win the race.
While we can’t all win in sports, we can win in the race of life. We can work hard and overcome obstacles and spend eternity with God in heaven. We all have good witnesses or coaches in the Bible. Hopefully, you have good witnesses or coaches in your life that lift you up and keep you going. This is why church and Christian fellowship is so important to our spiritual well-being.
We must pay attention to our coaches. Read about some of the things these men had to endure. Jesus went to the cross and was beaten and humiliated and crucified for our sins. And we have the gall to whine about having to get up, get dressed and spend an hour or two in church on Sunday morning.
We must get rid of everything that weighs us down or ensnares us. Let go of any intentional sin in your life. It will only slow you down.
And most importantly, focus on the finish line. Focus on the prize that is awaiting you at the finish. I have run a number of 5 K races and 10 K races and even half-marathons. I always knew I wouldn’t win because I was a slow runner, I just enjoyed getting out there and running. For me, it wasn’t about winning, it was about finishing the race. We are all going to finish the race, but we want to be sure we end up in the winner’s circle of the race of life and that is in heaven.
I had people who coached me when I first started running. I had a good friend who had just started training for her first marathon. I paid attention to the pointers she gave me, and it served me well. God’s word is full of good instructions for how we are to live the Christian life. Follow His instructions and obey His commands.
I didn’t try to carry a bunch of stuff when I ran. I didn’t use weights to weigh me down. Don’t let your own sin or the bad influences of others weigh you down. Get rid of anything that hinders your performance.
And last but not least, consider all Jesus has done for you. Consider the example he set in the time he lived on earth and ministered to those around Him. Keep your eyes on Him. Stay focused on God and His Holy word.
Have you been watching others compete? You can’t win by watching someone else, you’ve got to get in the game. Christianity is not a spectator sport. Get in there and get busy doing whatever God has called you to do. Finish strong!
Have a great day!