You Won’t Miss It

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.   Ephesians 4:29-32 NKJV

If we studied the biological pathway of sin, we would find that it enters through the eyes and/or ears. It infiltrates the mind and as we think about it, it begins to fill the heart. It then spews out the mouth. When I read this scripture and think about my sin grieving the Holy Spirit I find it very upsetting. I mean I don’t want to grieve anyone, much less the Holy Spirit. So, this should make it simple for me to not sin, right? Oh, if only it were so easy.

The problem is my eyes or ears either see something I don’t like and I think about it and anger fills my heart or, they see something I like but should not have and desire fills my heart and sin follows. And before know it, there I go grieving the Holy Spirit once again. I lived on that roller coaster for many years in my life. Riding high doing my best to please the Lord, then sinking low in sin again. Up and down, up and down never an even path. But, just as riding a roller coaster for a really long period of time is bound to make you sick and/or tired, my sin was dragging me down. I just couldn’t take it any more. I had to make a decision.

I cried out to God and He told me to give it all to Him, the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, and trust Him to work it all out. I did that. He kept His promise.

For years, I had been reluctant to let go of my sin for fear I would miss it or miss the people who sinned along with me. Just as He said He would, God worked it all out. Some of my closest friends drew near to the Lord at the same time. I didn’t lose them but now, I share a bond with them through Christ. We grew closer through our love for the Lord.

Another reason I didn’t want to let go of my sin is because I thought it was necessary for some reason. We often think that there is an emotional reason or financial reason why we just can’t let go of our sin, but we must trust God to work it all out.

I also worried that I would miss my sin. I know this sounds crazy, but let’s face it, sin is enticing. If sin wasn’t enticing no one would do it, right? So, I worried that I might miss my sin. Looking back that was crazy. The best thing I have ever done is let go of my sin and let God take over.

Now, I will admit, He’s still working on me. I am not perfect, I struggle in several areas. But one thing I can honestly say is I don’t miss anything I have given up to follow Him. I don’t miss those lazy Sundays laying around the house or working to catch up on housework or working at the office. I love being in church with my church family.

I don’t miss being with a bunch of others seeking happiness through drinking and hanging out in bars. I have found true joy regardless of my location or my circumstances. Giving up my sin has honestly been like removing a heavy weight from my shoulders. I don’t miss it at all. I know that God’s got this, whatever this may be at any given point in my life.

I know that I am just passing through here on my way to my heavenly home. It feels so good knowing that I am on the right track and no longer lost in my sin.

If you are holding on to that sin because you are so afraid you can’t live without it, I promise you, you can. I also promise you, your life will be so much better. You too can be freed from the bondage of sin. He is waiting with open arms, give your life over to Him, sin and all. He will take it and clean it all up for you. All you have to do is let Him.

Have a great weekend!