Why On Earth?

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of suffering who knew what sickness was. He was like someone people turned away from; He was despised and we didn’t value Him. Yet He Himself bore our sicknesses, and He carried our pains; but we in turn regarded Him stricken, struck down by God and afflicted. But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities, punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.     Isaiah 53:3-5 HCSB

Yesterday in our Bible class one of the ladies asked, “Why would God love us so much?” I wonder this myself. I also wonder why on earth God would send His Son to save us. I wonder why Jesus Christ would come to this earth fully God and fully man and humble himself to the point of death on a cross to save a bunch of miserable sinners who despised Him?

Sadly, if you look at the world today you see not much has changed since Jesus’s day. Plenty of people still seem to despise and reject Jesus. From the pulpit to the pew we see widespread corruption. We see corruption in our political offices from the local to the national level.

It’s so easy to see God’s great love for us, but not so easy to see our love for Him. People treat each other with contempt rather than kindness.

I write this after getting very little sleep. I got very little sleep because someone in our vicinity had music turned up so loudly we could hear it inside our home. I was thankful they weren’t closer. I honestly think they were possibly half a mile away from us, but it was so loud.

I called local law enforcement at 7:30 p.m., and I think they must have sent someone out because it stopped around 8:15. It resumed around 9:30 however, and was still going strong after 1:00 a.m.

This shows a total disregard for those around them. We live in a residential area which has sprung up with rentals and subdivisions all around us. We used to be out in the country but the city has come to us. Of course, I found we are not protected by ordinances that prohibit loud noises as it violates no state law and our parish has no such ordinance in place.

You can be cited if the weeds in your yard get too high, but you can blast your music as loudly as you want any time of the night or day and it’s no problem. This tells me there is a problem with our parish government, just sayin’.

As I look around this world, I can’t help but wonder why God would love us so much that He sent His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

I can’t figure out why Jesus (God the Son) would come to earth with the mess we have down here. Why would He come to save people who he knew (because He knows everything) would despise and reject Him and not value Him? I just don’t understand it.

Our Scripture passage was from the prophet Isaiah, many years before Jesus’ birth. Jesus knew what was going to happen. People were warned through Isaiah’s prophecy. Why would he come here knowing He would be pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities, punished so that we may have peace, wounded so that we may be healed?

My friend, there is only one answer-love. He loved us so much, He humbled Himself and came to earth fully God and fully man. He suffered and died for our sins because He loves us that much.

I ask you to love Him today. Trust in Him. Whatever you do, I beg of you not to turn Him away. Don’t despise Him by continuing in your sin. Don’t reject Him by ignoring what He has done for you.

Accept Him as your Savior. Trust in Him today. Give Him first place in your life. Honor Him and bring Him glory in all you say and do.

Have a great day!