Why I Draw Near To God

Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double-minded.     James 4:7-8 NKJV

I’ve come to realize that there are people who probably wonder about me. I mean, I wonder about a lot of people. So I’m sure there are at least some people who wonder about me. Like, I wonder why people won’t just surrender to God. I wonder why they won’t just draw near to Him and give it all over to Him. I wonder why they struggle with these problems that are way too big for them. I wonder why they won’t just love, trust and obey Him and let Him handle the rest.

I’m sure there are people who wonder why I don’t do all the things I used to and hang out in the same places I used to. And some may wonder why I find such joy in things like studying the Bible and going to church. These things help me to draw near to God. And some may even wonder why I feel such a great need to draw so near to God.

I spent years of my life staying at what I thought was a safe distance. I went to church, but I didn’t want anyone to think I was some type of religious fanatic or some kind of Jesus freak. I worried more about what other people thought than the fact that I was grieving the Holy Spirit with my behavior.

I first drew near to God because I had gotten things to the point where I couldn’t stand it any more. I had made a big mess that only God could clean up. So, I just gave it all over to Him. And, he cleaned it up. He didn’t make me go through years of church before He cleaned it up. As soon as I truly gave it to Him, He handled it. I had gone through years of pretending to give it to Him but truthfully I was still hanging on to it. He didn’t wait for me to get my act together, He helped me get it together. He stood beside me and guided me all along the way. He loved me unconditionally. I didn’t have to clean up to come to Him, He cleaned me up with Jesus’ precious blood. He washed me white as snow.

I draw near to God because I want to be near Him. I want to be in His protective shelter that David spoke of in Psalms 91. I want the peace that passes all understanding that Paul spoke of in Philippians 4:7 and the unending joy that Isaiah prophesied about in Isaiah 51:11.

I was trying for years to resist the devil without submitting to God and that just wasn’t working. I surrendered to God and He fought that battle for me. I just had to suit up in the armor He provided in Ephesians 6:10-18. I still have to suit up everyday because the devil is relentless. He’s not going to give up. This makes it all the more necessary for me to draw near to God.

I spent years being double-minded. I tried to have one foot in the world and one foot in Christ and the world was literally pulling me apart. I had to focus on God and only God. I had to surrender to Him and give up my double-mindedness. I had to give up the intentional sin in my life. I had to surrender it all to Him and submit to Him.

I’m not perfect, I beg God’s forgiveness each and every day for the things I know I’ve done wrong and those I might have overlooked. I ask God to guide me and show me the way because I know that on my own I am lost.

God doesn’t need me, but He wants me and He loves me with an unconditional love. He loves the me that is broken and tired and battered. He loved me enough to send His Son to die so that I might have eternal life (John 3:16). He loves you that much too.

I draw near to God because I don’t ever want to be away from Him. I need Him desperately in my life. I have lived without being near God and I didn’t like it. So, this is why I draw near to God.

You probably won’t understand until you try it for yourself. So what are you waiting for?

Have a great day!