Why Do We Tolerate Bad Behavior?

I know your works-your love, faithfulness, service and endurance. Your last works are greater than the first. But I have this against you: You tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and deceives My slaves to commit sexual immorality and to eat meat sacrificed to idols. Revelation 2:19-20 HCSB

This is part of the letter to the church at Thyatira. This church was doing good works, but tolerating bad behavior. While they were doing good works they were allowing this one woman to deceive members and entice them to sin.

So, why do we tolerate bad behavior? Well, I can only answer for myself, but I have tolerated bad behavior for several reasons. I was joining in. There was a time in my life when my behavior wasn’t so great. Another reason I tolerated bad behavior was sometimes peer pressure. If I liked someone or wanted to impress them, I was more likely willing to tolerate their bad behavior.

But here, Jesus is relaying to John to write and notify this church that they are tolerating bad behavior. He also wants them to understand that He doesn’t and this woman will be punished severely. He says he will throw her into a sickbed. He promises to throw those who commit adultery with her into tribulation. He also says He will kill her children if she doesn’t repent.

Many of you may say that you refrain from going to church because the churches are filled with hypocrites. That’s kind of ironic because just making that statement makes you a hypocrite. See, we are all sinners. Romans 3:23 tells us that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. My former pastor’s response to that excuse was, “that’s ok, there is always room for one more.”

Many of us shop for a church based on what we need. We may look at things like service  times, close proximity to our home, how long the service lasts and/or how anonymous we can be if we attend. What we really should be looking at when we attend a church is how our gifts and talents could be put to use there to serve the Lord. We should also make sure that what is being taught and preached there line up with God’s word. Make sure that they are not tolerating bad behavior.

Many churches have come to tolerate bad behavior because it’s lucrative. The more people you have coming, the more money you have coming in. Their pastors give what I like to call dessert sermons. They are all sugary and filled with love and they avoid talking about things like sin, devil and hell. Their desire is to make everyone feel good about themselves and their sin. They want to make them feel that it is all good and they can just keep on doing what they are doing. You want to avoid these types of churches.

Discipline is necessary in any organization. Tolerating bad behavior only leads to destruction. In the family system, discipline is very important. Children must be disciplined to avoid behavior that is dangerous or disruptive. I dealt with many adults in my career that wound up in jail because they had no discipline at home. In the work place there has to be rules. If the rules are not followed, their must be disciplinary procedures in place to deal with errant behavior. Even churches must have discipline for members that are violating the rules of the church or the rules set forth for us in God’s word.

In our scripture passage today, Jesus is telling John to warn Thyatira. This church is doing good works. They have love and faithfulness and endurance all going for them. But, they are tolerating the behavior of Jezebel. They are letting her run rampant with her sinful behavior and entice other members to do the same. Jesus wants the church to understand that He holds this against them. Jesus says He has given her a chance to repent but she has refused. He warns of the punishment she will receive. He encourages those that hold steadfast to His teaching to hold on until He returns.

Are you tolerating bad behavior? Are you engaged in bad behavior and lacking self discipline. Are you in a relationship where you are tolerating bad behavior be it your children or some other type of relationship. We don’t do anyone, including ourselves, any favors when we tolerate bad behavior. Jesus is certainly not going to tolerate it. Matthew 18:15 tells us that if our brother sins, we are to go and talk to him in private. Galatians 6:1 tells us that if anyone is caught in any transgression, that those who are spiritual are to restore him in a spirit of gentleness. We are warned that we should keep watch on ourselves so that we are not tempted to engage in the same sinful behavior.

If you are tolerating bad behavior or even worse joining in, stop. Jesus is not going to tolerate it and you don’t want to suffer His wrath.

Have a great weekend!