Who Do You Trust?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.     Proverbs 3:5-6 HCSB

It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know. Many people don’t trust God because they have never taken the time to get to know Him. They have never devoted themselves to time spent in prayer and Bible study. Many claim they don’t have time for all that.

In September of 2017, I wrote a blog post about trusting God. I read that post this morning and thought about how things have changed and all that has happened in our nation since that time. I wrote about how we should trust in God rather than politicians and how awesome this nation could be if we would simply turn back to God and trust in Him.

I also wrote about how our nation was on a downward spiral, boy has that continued at a rapid rate.

Sadly, if you read about the Israelites in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, you read about their repeated disobedience. You read about their idolatry and their stubbornness and their refusal to repent and turn back to God. Then you read about God’s judgment on them. You even read that they had gotten to the point of mocking the prophets God sent to warn them. They got to the point of no return. God was so angry with them He had to banish them from his presence.

I wonder if this nation has reached that point? It certainly seems as though we are facing severe judgment. I don’t see any candidate speaking any sensible language about fixing the problems in this nation. They all seem bent on creating more problems. They all seem to do everything for their own glory. None are concerned about God and turning our nation back to Him.

The United States is never mentioned in the Bible. When we get to Revelation there are other countries and regions mentioned, but we are not mentioned. This could be because we will cease to exist before the rapture. Just as God allowed Israel to be taken captive first by Assyria in the northern kingdom and then Babylon took the southern kingdom captive, we may lose the freedoms we so easily abuse in this country.

We may lose our first amendment freedom to speech. We may lose our second amendment right to bear arms. But the worst part is we may lose the right to worship as we please.

I have often heard if you don’t use it, you lose it. I ask you to consider whether or not the loss of that freedom to worship would even affect you.

Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s wife, said years ago, “If God doesn’t judge America severely, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.” And just look at our nation now. It has gone to much more degradation. You don’t see much of Jesus in the news. Instead, we see all the things that dishonor Him. We see idol worship in the form of politicians and all kinds of other things going on in our country.

I don’t know where our country is headed, but I know the Bible is a great instruction manual. One thing we saw in the Old Testament is when the Israelites were taken captive and removed from their land, those who remained faithful to God fared well. Stay true to God. Trust in Him and Him only.

I don’t know what lies in store for our country, but I can’t imagine it’s good considering how God is treated here. Don’t put your trust in the government, put your trust in God. When the government fails you, He will be there for you.

Don’t trust in your own judgment, trust in Him with all your heart and acknowledge Him in all you do or say. He won’t let you down.

Have a great day!