When Trouble Comes Our Way

I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him from all his troubles. The Angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them.  Psalm 34:4-7 HCSB

Yesterday, I spoke with a fellow Christian, a brother in Christ. We were talking about some of the terrible experiences we go through in life. I loved his explanation. He said that only in times of such dire trouble do we realize God is all we have and all we need.

The first part of our Scripture passage says, “I sought the LORD…” often times we go about our daily lives thinking we have it all together. There have been times I would have never sought the Lord had I not been experiencing serious trouble. God will answer us, but I love what the next line says, “He delivered me from all my fears.”  It’s not the problem that causes us the trouble so much as our fear. We fear the worst-case scenario is bound to happen. We fear the devastation we are so sure is headed our way.  We can’t be faithful until we lose the fear. Faith and fear can’t exist together, so the fear has to go in order to make room for faith.

When we look to God, we experience joy. There is no shame in seeking God. He hears our cries and will save us from our troubles.

My friend, if you have ever sought God in times of trouble then you know what the psalmist means. When he says the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, it means God will place a hedge of protection around us in times of trouble. Psalm 91 tells us how God protects us during troubled times. One of my favorite verses in Psalm 91 is verse 4, “He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield.” God covers us like a mother hen covers her baby chicks when a hawk flies overhead.

Lastly it says the Angel of the Lord not only encamps around those who fear Him but rescues them. If you are going through trouble know this may just be God’s way of drawing you near to Him. This may be His way of showing how He protects you and loves you.

Draw near to Him and trust in Him. He will bring you through these times if you only surrender to Him. In times of trouble, there is no one better to have on your side than Him. Turn to Him today, submit to Him.

Have a great day!