When It’s Personal

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13 ESV

Relationships are either personal or superficial.  A personal relationship is a relationship where you are in close contact with that person. You know that if either of you get in a jam, the other one will be right there. You spend time together on a regular basis.

A superficial relationship is the kind of relationship where you may know that person’s name, but you don’t know much about them. You recognize them when you see them and may enjoy a friendly conversation from time to time. But this is not the person you call when you need to move a houseful of furniture or when your vehicle breaks down on the side of the road. Those types of calls are resolved for someone with whom you have a personal relationship.

I don’t know about you, but I have been in relationships that I considered personal only to find that the other person considered them superficial. Sadly, we find out these things when they betray us or use us in some way. It broke my heart when I realized I had treated Christ this way.

I spent many years of my life in a superficial relationship with Jesus Christ. For Him it was personal. I know this because He died to save me from my sin while I was still a sinner (Romans 5:8). I know this because I know that God sent His only Son to die for my sins so that if I would only believe in Him, I would have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus Christ wanted a personal relationship with me, but I gave Him a superficial one. I knew His name. I even believed in Him. James 2:19 says, “You believe there is one God, good for you. Even the demons believe that and tremble with fear.” Jesus didn’t want me to just believe, He wanted me to receive. He wanted me to receive Him into my life. He wanted me to surrender to Him and cast all my cares on Him because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7). He doesn’t want me to just call on Him every now and then, He wants me to be His constant companion. He wants me to be in close, constant communication with Him. But, for many years all He got was occasional contact. I would occasionally go to church. I would occasionally pray. I might read the Bible in church or if things got really bad, but that was it.

That didn’t work so well for me. I was living on a roller coaster. A life of sin is a lot like a roller coaster. It’s fun for a little while, but eventually you want to get off the ride. You want to be on solid ground and not continuously going up and down getting whipped around every which way. There came a point in my life when I wanted the roller coaster to stop. I wanted to be on solid ground. I grew up in church, so I knew that the way to do that was through Jesus (John 14:6). I knew that if I confessed my sins to Him that He was faithful to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all of my unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). So, that’s what I did.

Now, it’s personal. I am in constant contact with my Lord and Savior through Bible study and prayer. I rely on Him and no longer trust myself with life’s decisions (Proverbs 3:5-6). I have come to realize that He wants me to call on Him at all times in all things. He wants to help me. He actually wants me to thrive not just merely survive (John 10:10). I know that He wants to protect me and keep me safe (Psalm 91). He wants to work all things out for my good (Romans 8:28). But, I have learned that in order for Him to do these things, I must love Him with all my heart and surrender to do His will. I must choose to be in a close, personal relationship with Him.

Now, honestly, with all that He does for me, why would I not want to be in a close personal relationship with Him, right? All those years I was in a personal relationship for the devil, what did he do for me? Well, he brought me sorrow, heartache, and shame. That’s what he did for me. He killed my joy, he stole my peace and he destroyed my witness (John 10:10)

God Himself, restored me. He is making me strong, firm and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10). He wants to do the same for you if you are willing to submit to a close, personal relationship with Him. The relationship is so much better when it’s personal. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself.

Have a great day!