When It Doesn’t Work Out Like You Had Planned

Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the LORD’s decree will prevail.   Proverbs 19:21 HCSB

I want you to think back ten or even twenty years ago. What were your plans? Did it all work out just as you had planned? Even the most unorganized person in the world makes plans. We all plan, at least in our mind. We have an idea of how we want things to turn out. We have hopes for loved ones. Our scripture passage today tells us that we can make plans, but God’s will is what’s going to prevail. It took a while for me to pray that God’s will be done as we are instructed in the model prayer in chapter 6 of Matthew. I finally got it through my thick head that God’s will is going to be done simply because He’s God and what He says goes.

You might read this passage and think why, then, should we plan? Well, I’m glad you asked. It is important for us to plan, but we need to do our best to line our plans up with God’s will. This is how we can be assured things will work out for our good and God’s glory. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us that we must trust in the Lord in all we do and not rely on our own understanding. We must acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will guide our path. Proverbs 16:9 says that the heart of a man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

I have learned the hard way that I can make great plans and work hard to see them fulfilled, but God has the final say as to whether or not it will all work out. I have also learned that when my plans don’t work out, it is because God has something better for me.

When I think back 10 years, I realize how ridiculous I must have looked to the Lord. I was going to church sporadically, praying when I needed something and rarely reading my bible. I was not attending any Bible studies. But, I had great plans for my life. The problem was nothing was working out the way I had intended. Some of my plans included other people and other people were not doing as I had planned. I began to pray out to God to change these other people in my life. One Sunday I had stayed home from church because it had been a busy week at work and I wanted to catch up on some house work. I didn’t need to commit myself to the church because I had it all figured out, you see. But as I was in my back yard doing some work, I became overwhelmed with the problems in my life. I was so upset that other people were not following along with my plan. I cried out to God for Him to change the hearts of these other people. Immediately it was like getting hit over the head with a brick. God helped me to see that I had to change me first. I had to surrender to Him 100 percent. I had to give Him my all. He promised me that if I would do this, He would take care of me. I had no choice. I just couldn’t keep going as I had been. I was so frustrated and angry and hurt. I had to trust God to make it all better. On August 22, 2010 I surrendered to God. I promised that I would give my life over to Him. I had made such a mess with it there wasn’t much else I could do. Praise God, I have never regretted that decision. Once I let go, He went to work turning that mess I had made into my message. I have faced problems and hardships in my life since then, but never alone. I have relied on Him and He has given me victory. He has walked with me through the fire and brought me out unharmed. He wants to do the same for you.

Is your life not working out as you had planned? Are those that you love not falling in with the plans you had for them? Turn to God. Don’t be afraid to give it all over to Him. When you think it is falling apart, He can make it fall into place. If you are tired and frustrated and angry, I understand. I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. My prayer for you today is that you wise up a lot sooner than I did. I was like those poor Israelites taking 40 years to make a 14 day journey. The sooner you get with God’s plan, the better your life will be. If you want to give Him the chaos and turmoil that has become your life, He will exchange that for peace and joy. What are you waiting for?

Have a great day!