What’s Taking So Long?

The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.
But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, it is clear what sort of people you should be in holy conduct and godliness as you wait and earnestly desire the coming of the day of God… 2 Peter 3:9 HCSB

In our weekly Bible study, we have just begun studying the book of Joshua. Yesterday as I read Joshua chapter 5, I thought about how patient God is and has been with me. I’m always in a hurry for things to change for the better, but God does things in His own time. He has reasons for this. Sometimes they are revealed to us and sometimes they are not.

Yesterday we talked about how God allowed the Israelites to cross the flooded Jordan river on dry ground, just as He had done with their ancestors and the Red Sea. Now I think if I had experienced something really awesome like that, I would be pumped. I would be ready to go into the land and conquer the inhabitants, giants and all, and claim God’s promise. Sounds good, right? But, not yet.

Once they crossed the Jordan, God ordered that the men be circumcised. They did not stop their travels to circumcise those males born in the desert, so this needed to be done. Why? God wanted them to show obedience. Their ancestors had died in the wilderness because of their disobedience, even Moses was not allowed to enter into the Promised Land because of his own disobedience. God was about to bless them in some mighty ways, but first He needed to be sure they could obey His commands.

After they recovered from their circumcisions, they remained camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho where they celebrated the Passover. Then they stayed another two days. They have spent 40 years making a journey that should have taken 14 days, so what’s another two days, right?

Joshua is the leader now that Moses has gone to be with the Lord. I can only imagine he might be anxious to get this party started. They have to conquer Jericho. Jericho is a large city fortified with this huge wall around it. But while Joshua is out on patrol, probably pondering a plan of attack, he gets a visitor. Joshua is so busy thinking about how they will conquer Jericho and trying to plan military strategy that he doesn’t recognize the man before him and asks him if he is for them or against them. The man replies that he is the commander of the Lord’s army.

I can only imagine that Joshua is walking around and thinking about the task before them. It is a huge task no doubt. Perhaps he was looking toward Jericho pondering the best way to enter into this fortified city and capture those inside and then all of a sudden, the commander of the LORD’s army is standing there in front of him.

Note that the commander of the LORD’s army did not show up just after they crossed the Jordan, he showed up after they had shown obedience. They obeyed the Lord’s commands and then celebrated God’s goodness by observing the Passover. They took time out of their battles to conquer this land that God had promised them to prove obedience and give Him praise.

Often times we want to be blessed, but we don’t want to take the time to be obedient or to offer Him praise. But, throughout the Bible we see that God blesses those who are obedient.

Maybe you are about to go to war or maybe you are in some type of battle and things aren’t going your way. Maybe you have been praying and you are wondering what’s taking so long. Know that God’s timing is always perfect. Take a look at yourself. Are you being obedient? Are you giving Him glory, honor and praise in the way you live your daily life?

Maybe God is waiting for you to get your act together. Have you ever considered that? Maybe He’s waiting for you to be obedient. Maybe He’s waiting for some commitment on your part.

The only way to know if God wants something from you is to enter into a close relationship with Him. Have constant communication with Him. Trust in Him.

God’s timing is not fast or slow, it’s perfect. And if you are wondering what’s taking so long, maybe it’s you.

Have a great day!