What Type of Seed Are You?

He taught them many things in parables, and in His teaching He said to them:  “Listen! Consider the Sower who went out to sow. As he sowed, this occurred: Some seed fell along the path and the birds came and ate it up.”     Mark 4:2-5 HCSB

For the next few days, I want you to take into consideration your relationship with the Lord. I want you to consider what Jesus says in this parable and identify the type of “seed” that best describes you. In this parable, Jesus speaks of the Sower and the seed. He mentions four types of seed. These types of seed refer to our relationship with Jesus.

He speaks of the first bit of seed which fell along the path. This seed just fell out there and the birds came and ate it up. There are those of us who are like this seed that just fell along the path. I can envision a sower out there with a bag of seed walking along and having some of his seed fall as he walks. This seed never takes root. It is simply eaten by the birds.

Many people will hear God’s word, but they will not listen. They will never take root and develop a solid relationship with Him. They will simply fall along the path and be devoured. We are told in 1 Peter 5:8 that we should be sober and alert for the devil prowls around seeking someone to devour. We are easy picking if we are not rooted in God’s word and in a solid relationship with Him.

You may have tried to share God’s word with someone only to be mocked or to have them seem oblivious to what it is you are trying to say. We will look at this in depth in a couple days.

We will be going through the other “seed”. But I want you to understand that in this parable, Jesus is encouraging us to examine our own hearts. He wants us to look at our relationship with Him. He wants us to have a solid, healthy, growing relationship. Healthy plants grow. We begin as seeds. We are children in God’s eyes. We don’t reach maturity, which is perfection, until God calls us home. As long as we live here on planet earth, we are a work in progress. This is as long as we choose to follow Him, to trust Him and to obey His commands. Doing these things gives us a solid foundation and helps us to take root in Him.

If we don’t do those things, we will be quickly eaten up by the devil. Give that some thought. Let God’s love take root in your heart, so the devil won’t stand a chance.

Have a great day!