What If Your Child Was Lost?

So He told them this parable: “What man among you, who has 100 sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the 99 in the open field and go after the lost one until he finds it? When he has found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders, and coming home, he calls his friends and neighbors together, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep! I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 people who don’t need repentance.  Luke 15:4-7 HCSB

I must admit that I am somewhat fascinated by crime. I like to read a good mystery and I am boggled by some true crime stories. What fascinates me most is missing cases. I am fascinated by the fact that someone can literally disappear without a trace. Twenty-two years ago, there was a woman who lived about 20 miles from me that disappeared. I often went past her home when I was traveling from my office to the jail or the courthouse in the area which I worked. Her vehicle was found in a wooded area not far from her home. In the days and weeks following her disappearance I would pass and see the various law enforcement agencies on horseback, all terrain vehicles and foot searching for this woman. When a loved one is lost we go to great lengths to find them. We don’t want law enforcement to ever give up. I’ve seen interviews of family members that are longing for answers.

When I got my first beagle, I knew nothing about beagles. I didn’t know that they would follow a scent even if it meant getting out of the fenced in yard by whatever means necessary. There were several times that I trailed my beagle, as he trailed whatever scent he had gotten hold of, in order to bring him home safely. I can’t imagine that being a loved one that had wandered off and gotten lost.

My friend, if your loved one is lost without Jesus in their heart, this is even more critical than if they were abducted or wandered off. Their salvation is even more urgent than it would be to find them if they were missing.

In the parable of the lost sheep, we are told that the shepherd leaves the 99 and goes to search for the lost sheep. The shepherd was responsible for every single sheep under his care. He had to answer to his master  to see that none was lost, injured or killed. Jesus paints a picture of a loving shepherd who carries the sheep home and rejoices over its return. The 99 in this parable could refer to those who are righteous or at least think they are. The lost sheep represents those of us who know we are lost and in need of a Savior.

Do you know where your loved ones are? Perhaps you know where they are physically, but you don’t know where they are spiritually. I know that we want to know that our loved ones are safe and well and with us. But, we must accept the fact that none of us know when God will call us to our eternal destination. We must prepare them for an eternity in Heaven with God the Father if at all possible. It would be too unbearable to think that they may spend eternity in hell. We must do all we can do to assure their salvation. Ultimately, it will be their choice I know. I just can’t bear the thought of any one I love going to hell for an eternity.

I want you to understand two things. If you are lost, you can’t help anyone find their way. You must first draw near to Christ (James 4:8) and respond to His call for salvation. Once you are saved, you must reach out to those who are lost. You must do all you can to see to it that they too come to Christ. Remember, we are not saved so that we can be ornaments that decorate the church pews. We are saved so that we can get out there and help lead others to salvation.

If your loved one were missing, I have no doubt that you would do all that was within your power to bring them home. My friend, if they are unsaved this is even worse. You must do all that is within your power to bring them to Christ before they are called to their eternal home. There are so many distractions to grab their attention today and lure them into the land of the lost. We may not be able to save all who are lost, but we need to at least be able to say that we have done all we could do.

Have a great day!