What If Everyone Refused To Serve?

Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God activates each person. A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial:   1 Corinthians 12:4-7 HCSB

I want you to imagine a world where no one worked. Now you may go into some businesses and think no one is working there, but what if the store had to close because no one would work? We have seen that happen since the pandemic began. What if no one wanted to be a truck driver? Who would deliver the food we need to the grocery stores or the auto parts to the part stores or anything else we need? What if no one wanted to work at grocery stores and they were force to close what would we do? If gas stations closed what would we do? What would we do if no one wanted to serve in our military branches? What if no one wanted to be a policeman? Of course, who could blame them these days. What if no one wanted to be a fireman or a doctor or a nurse? What if those who work in the communication business no longer wanted to service our phones or television services?

What if even one of those jobs had no one to fill them like, a doctor. What if there were no doctors, simply because no one wanted to do that job anymore? Have you ever thought about why we are all so different. Have you ever thought about the fact that different people seem to be cut out for different jobs. I thank God that there are people who are mechanically inclined and can fix my car. I thank God that there are people who want to work in the medical profession. I thank God that there are people who want to work at our stores that supply our needs.

Out in the world, God provides different people with different skills and talents to perform different jobs. He also gives different people different desires to do the jobs they do. In our churches, it works that way also. God brings different people together with different spiritual gifts to make up one body to serve the Lord. The church is considered as a body and Paul uses that analogy in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12.

If you have ever suffered a broken limb, you know that it puts a strain on the rest of your body. If you lose your sight or your hearing, you know that your other senses have to try to help compensate for the loss. If you have ever had your body infiltrated by an infection or disease, then you know that this can cause a whole host of problems and can even be fatal.

You can see how the church is a lot like the human body. If it doesn’t have the members that it needs to function and serve, then it can’t properly function without creating a strain on the members that are trying to compensate and get it all done. These members may even be trying to do things outside of their skillset. Would you really want your mechanic to reset your broken arm? I don’t think so.

There is a church near you that needs you. If you are not a part of a local church, then pray to God to lead you to the right church and He will do so. Be sure that you find yourself in a solid, Bible teaching church where Jesus is considered to be the head of the church. If you are already in a church, serve the Lord there. Maybe you are talented in music and can serve in that way. Maybe you like to teach. Maybe you can serve in a program with children or one that serves the community. Whatever it is, we are not called to simply decorate the church with our presence every now and then, we are called to serve.

If you are reading this and thinking about all those reasons why you don’t go to church or you go but don’t serve, I encourage you to memorize all these excuses. You may need to recite them at the Great White Throne of Judgment. I hope that works out for you.

God gives us gifts so that we may use these gifts to serve Him. I was reading the story of Moses and the burning bush today in Exodus chapter 3. God called Moses to save His people and Moses had one excuse after the other. Finally in chapter 4 verse 14, it says that the LORD’s anger burned against Moses. God was fed up with his whining and excuses. I’m sure that God has been fed up with my whining and excuses as well.

I have learned that when God calls me to do something, He will supply all that I need. He will do the same for you. Perhaps He already has and you are still not serving. So, what are you waiting for? Get busy serving the Lord.

Have a great day!