What Are You Worth?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.     John 3:16 NKJV

If I were to ask you what you are worth what would you say? Have you thought about it? We consider our worth in a number of ways. We consider our worth in money. I look at what I can make an hour and consider that to be what my time is worth. It may not reflect what I’m worth, but it reflects what my time is worth.

We often measure our personal worth by how we are treated. When we do this, we allow others to determine in our minds what we are worth. If we are treated poorly long enough, we can come to believe we are worthless. If we are treated well, we can come to overestimate our worth. It’s very interesting how we determine our worth.

Some people consider themselves to be worth more than anyone else. Of course, many people around them are probably calling them narcissists. These people put themselves first and really don’t care what happens to those around them. It’s all about them.

But our Scripture passage tells us what we are worth to God. This was probably one of the first verses I memorized as a child. It is one that many of us can still recite. It tells us how much we mean to God. And truthfully this should be the true measure of our worth.

God sent His very own Son to die for us. Romans 5:8 says God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What kind of love is that? We were miserable rotten human beings, but instead of God destroying us he sent His Son to die for us so we could be saved.

What we think we are worth, especially to someone else, determines how we act towards them. It determines how we treat them. If someone treats us like garbage, we probably won’t respect them or treat them well. If someone puts us on a pedestal, we will probably have a great relationship with them.

But our worth is a tricky thing. It’s like walking a tightrope. We should be humble. Romans 3:23 tells us we are all sinners. Not one of us deserve the mercy and grace God extends to us. Not one of us is deserving of the gift of salvation freely offered through Jesus Christ.

We have to empty ourselves of ourselves. We must put God first and ourselves last. We must realize the great value God puts on us while being careful not to value ourselves too highly. Romans 12:3 tells us not to think too highly of ourselves but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one of us a measure of faith.

My friend we were purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. This is a price not one of us can repay. We are told in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that we should glorify God in our bodies because we were bought with a price. God gave His Son to shed His blood so we might have eternal life.

This is what we are worth to God. When we don’t glorify God with our actions, our words and our lives it’s as if we have no regard for the high price He paid for us. I pray as we go through this day, we will remember the sacrifice that was made so we might live. I pray we will be mindful of this and thankful to God for all He gives us.

Remember we are blood bought children of God and we need to act like it. This doesn’t mean we should be arrogant. It means we should be obedient to God. It means we should have a reverential fear or awe of Him. It means we should glorify Him in all we do.

By doing these things, we express our gratitude for all He does for us. Isn’t He worth that to you?

Have a great day!