What Are You Hungry For?

As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God.     Psalm 42:1

I bet if I were to offer to take you to the restaurant of your choice you would tell me you had been wanting something or had a taste for something. We are quick to know and say what we want when it comes to food or material possessions. But when was the last time you literally craved God or God’s word.

Last night some friends and I went to a women’s conference. Susan Heck was the speaker and she said she could remember when she was saved, she actually hungered for God’s word. Do you hunger for God’s word? Do you look forward to reading your Bible each and every day?

I’m not talking about blogs like this one or devotionals, I’m talking about reading God’s word. I’m talking about digging a little deeper like when you do read a devotional reading passages that are referenced. Are you fact checking me? You should be.

I remember it was like that when I rededicated my life to Christ. I had to start my day by reading God’s word. I ended my day by reading God’s word. It was the living water I needed to quench my thirst.

Down here in southeast Louisiana, I feel I can honestly say we have some of the best food on the planet. We are known far and wide for our Cajun cuisine. I will tell you there are times when I get a craving for a good bowl of gumbo or some seafood. I know where to go to satisfy these cravings.

When I crave God, I also know where to go. I simply turn to His holy word. I pray to Him in order to draw near to Him so He will draw near to me (James 4:8).

John 1:1 says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In order to be with Him and have a close fellowship and relationship with Him, we must be in His Word. Are you craving God’s word? Are you fact checking the people you trust to teach you about God’s word?

When you are fed, you should be sure it is good and pure. The only way to do this is to follow teachings in God’s word. Be sure it all matches up. Last night every word Ms. Heck spoke she backed up with Scripture. We spent the time she spoke to us in God’s word.

There are foods that tend to be addictive. I have noticed if I eat sugar or chocolate, I want more sugar or chocolate. Sadly, both have begun to cause me some issues. I try to not eat either of them. I have noticed, however, that if I eat something sugary a couple days in a row I begin to crave it every day.

The same will happen if you will get into God’s word. You will hunger and thirst for His word the more you study it. The more you read about this great love He has for you the more you will want to read. The Bible is God’s love letter to us. It also serves as a manual for how to live our lives.

God’s word tells us how to be good husbands, wives, parents, children, servants, masters, bosses, and employees. It tells us how to handle difficult situations. Why would anyone not read His word daily? That I can’t answer. I can’t understand why I spent years of my life only reading His word in church on Sunday.

We hunger and thirst and crave things that will destroy us. Craving God’s word will save us. It will lift us up. It will give us peace and joy but I must warn you it is addictive. The more I get the more I want. I know it will be the same for you.

Turn to God’s word, trust in Him. Learn to hunger and thirst for God and His word. You can’t go wrong with that.

Have a great day!