What A Difference A Day Makes

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.     Psalms 118:24 HCSB

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.     Matthew 6:33-34 HCSB


We never know what tomorrow will hold. There are predictions, like the fact that we will face devastation from a hurricane, but only God knows what tomorrow actually holds. There is also something else that God knows. He knows our every need.

Our Scripture passage from Psalms tells us that this is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Each day is a gift from God. But many of us can’t enjoy today because we are busy worrying about tomorrow.

In our Scripture passage from Matthew, Jesus is explaining why we need not worry. He begins by saying that we don’t need to worry about what we will eat or drink or what we will wear. He tells us that the birds of the sky are fed by God. He goes on to say that we gain nothing by worrying. He describes how God clothes the wildflowers of the field and how they are so beautifully adorned. He warns that idolaters eagerly seek these things and that God knows we need them. He tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things will be provided for you. Some say that if we focus on God’s business, He takes good care of our business.

Saturday in southeast Louisiana, we were enjoying life’s little comforts like having water, electricity and our homes. But through Sunday night as Ida rolled in, many are now without power, water, and their homes. This fell on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina which devastated our area 16 years ago.

Saturday all was good, Sunday we saw the rains come in and by Sunday night our area was being devastated by this massive storm.  Monday morning we faced numerous trees and power lines down everywhere.  A day makes a whole lot of difference. But as we read our Scripture passage, my question to you is how much difference will you make in this day that you have been given?

We will soon be at the 20 year anniversary of the devastating attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. I was fortunate to be able to visit the World Trade Center several times prior to the attacks. I returned there a year after the attacks and was overcome with emotion at the vast hole that was left where those two massive towers had stood. I could only imagine the many people that went to work expecting a typical work day and never made it home.

God has given us today, tomorrow is not promised, the question is what will you do with it? Will you continue to go on your merry little way and hope that everything works out? Will you focus on God and trust Him to take care of today and tomorrow for you? Will you make a change in the way you live your life and the way you treat others? Will you make a difference in anyone’s life through an act of kindness? Will you show Christ’s love to someone who is hurting and in need?

We see all the time what a vast difference a day makes. Tomorrow can bring total devastation or it can bring joy. We never know what the future will hold. But, we do know who holds our future.

One of my favorite musicals is Annie. In this musical, she sings a song titled “Tomorrow” the lyrics say, “Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you’re always a day away.” If we worry about tomorrow, we will never stop worrying because tomorrow is always a day away. Some say that tomorrow never comes. Why not stop worrying and start doing God’s work? Why not make a difference in someone else’s life today? Don’t put it off till tomorrow. Why not share God’s love or witness to someone who is lost in need of a Savior?

We all know that a day can make a big difference in our lives. The question is what kind of difference will you make in this day that you have been given? Rejoice today and let God take care of tomorrow.

Have a great day!