We are warriors

“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭144:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I think given the choice most of us would like to be at peace with everyone. When you turn on the news, however, we see that this is becoming more difficult with each passing day.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior and ask him to come and live inside us, we are overwhelmed by the feeling of peace. The Bible tells us that as Christians we have access to the peace that passes all understanding. The truth of the matter, however, is that this is when the battle begins. You see, before we are saved, Satan has a hold over us. We are slaves to him and a sinful way of living. When we are saved by accepting Christ as our savior, we begin our work in His kingdom. We begin working against the devil and his schemes. This infuriates the devil. He does everything he can to destroy God’s plans for us.

Unfortunately, once we get saved we will fight many battles in our life until we find eternal rest in our heavenly home. Many times in the Bible we are told not to fear for God is with us. We are instructed to be bold and courageous. God prepares us for this battle. Ephesians 6 tells us of the armor God provides for us.

Praise God, he equips us and trains us for battle. He also is our fortress, stronghold, deliverer, and shield. I am so thankful that no matter what battle I may be going through, I know that my God is my deliverer and I can take refuge in Him.

Each and every day we have a choice to make. We can take the broad path that Satan has laid out for us. We can walk this road to destruction and eternal damnation. Or, we can take the narrow way that God has prepared for us where we will face many battles on our way to glory.  When we choose the narrow way, we must know that we have a protector that will go before us and make the crooked way straight.

It is my hope and prayer for you today that if you are not fighting the good fight, that you will switch over to the narrow pathway and join God’s army. The trials and tribulations we face here will be nothing compared to the eternal life we will live in glory with our Heavenly Father.

If you are fighting the good fight but becoming battle weary, just remember to take refuge in God. Pray without ceasing, stay in His word, and align yourselves with other warriors in this battle.

Stand firm for your victory is near!