Watching Demons Surrender

The Seventy returned with joy saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your name.”
He said to them, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a lightning flash. Look, I have given you authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you. However, don’t rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”   Luke 10:17-20 HCSB

The devil is scary. Let’s face it. We’ve been doing a Bible study at our church on spiritual warfare. Many years ago my cousin, myself, a friend of ours and several friends in law enforcement got into a situation where we were shot at while out boating in the river. Thankfully, the shooter was intoxicated and didn’t hit us or the boat. But, our friend who was not in law enforcement was very upset. He was very fearful. I remember him saying, “Ya’ll like this stuff. You get paid to get shot at. I don’t!”

Just because you work in law enforcement doesn’t mean you have no fear. Just because you choose a profession where you know you will face danger doesn’t mean there aren’t times when the hair doesn’t stand up on the back of your neck. Fear is healthy. It keeps us on our toes. But, we can’t give into it. Otherwise, we make mistakes that could be deadly. John Wayne defined courage as, “being afraid, but saddling up and riding out anyway.”

Spiritual warfare is becoming more and more prevalent in our world today. I was talking with a friend yesterday about how the evil spirits seem so much bolder. I think this may be because we live in a world that is becoming more and more tolerant of sinful behavior. It is  not only inviting evil in, but it is welcoming it to stay and make itself at home.

If you have ever come face to face with demonic forces you know that it is a frightening experience. It can also be very frustrating because the devil wants you to think it is hopeless. He wants you to give up. But, don’t give up. Pray harder. Our scripture passage today tell us that even demons will submit in Jesus’ name. When you pray for someone who has come under demonic attack, demonic oppression or even possession you need to bring your A-game. For a Christian our A-game is Jesus Christ.

Don’t be afraid to confront evil, but remember that you must rebuke it in Jesus’ name. When you are praying for that person or that situation boldly proclaim victory in Jesus’ name. You see, the devil knows that He cannot be victorious when he goes against Jesus. He knows that Jesus overrules him every time. The devil can do nothing unless God allows him to do it. In Job 1:6-12 we see a conversation between God and Satan. God tells Satan that there is no one like His servant Job on all the earth. Satan argues that Job is only faithful because God has blessed him so richly. Satan asks God’s permission to take Job’s blessing away so that Job will curse God. God allows Satan to test Job. Satan takes all that Job has except for his wife and few not-so-faithful friends away from him. He then infected Job with terrible boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. But still Job remained faithful. There was a happy ending to this story. God rewarded Job for his faithfulness by giving him double what the devil had taken from him.

In our scripture passage Jesus tells the seventy that he had seen Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. Satan cannot stand against God. God always has been and always will be victorious over Satan. We must remember this when we confront Satan. We must remember that even demonic spirits will submit in Jesus’ name. Jesus also tells us that He gives us the power to trample our enemy and no harm will come to us.

If you feel as though you are under demonic attack or oppression, submit to God. We are told in 1 Peter 5:8 to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. We are not promised any protection or victory if we are unwilling to submit to God.  I can’t think of one single verse in the Bible that tells us that we can refuse to submit to God and be under God’s protection.  But we are told specifically in Psalm 91:1 that if we choose to live in God’s shelter, He will protect us.

I want you to understand you will be on the frontlines of battle in these days of spiritual warfare. You have two choices. You can continue living in deliberate sin and God will give you over to the devil (Romans 1:24). Or, you can surrender to Christ and God will fight for you (Exodus 14:14, 2 Chronicles 20:15).

I’ve been beaten down by the devil and I have watched demons submit. The latter of the two is a lot more fun.

Have a great day!