Watch Where You Are Going

Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.  Hebrews 12:1-2 HCSB

I had a friend in high school whose mom drove a shiny silver Corvette. Each day she would drop my friend off and pick her up in her beautiful sports car. When my friend got her license, her mom agreed to let her drive the car the short distance (less than a mile) to their local convenience store. My friend saw someone she knew and smiled and waved and was distracted just long enough to plow into the back of the car in front of her. She had been so excited to drive that car and so excited that a friend was seeing her do this, that she got distracted just long enough to crash.

Have you ever been distracted as you were walking along and ran into something? Several years ago people were falling into subway tracks while distracted by their phones.

When we don’t watch where we are going and keep our eyes focused in the direction we are traveling, it can cause a great deal of grief. Those who play tennis and baseball keep their eyes on the ball because where that ball goes determines where they go or if they go. Runners keep their eyes focused on where they are going. If they looked backwards of sideways it could cause them to run slower and possibly cause injury should they run into something.

Are you watching where you are going? If so, where are you going? For a number of years, I was focused on hell. If I could say that I was watching where I was going, then I would have to say I was looking at hell. I had allowed sin to take over and I was living the way I wanted to live. I was not honoring God, I was making the devil happy. I was looking at the things of this world. I was being conformed to this world, as Paul warns against in Romans 12:2, instead of being transformed. During this time, I was not liking what I was seeing. I saw heartache and pain and no way out. I was on a course headed for disaster, but I had no idea of how I could detour. The only way I could change my course was to commit to God. So, that’s just what I did. I just gave it all over to Him. I asked Him to straighten out the crooked path I had found myself on and He did. Now I am focused on God and heaven and all the wonderful things that await me when I finish this journey.

I will admit that there are times I look back. The devil tries to remind me of my sin and distract me with guilt. But I don’t let that happen for long, I turn back to God. I trust God to guide me in all that I do (Proverbs 3:5-6). I let Him lead the way. When I am too weary, I know that I can trust in Him to carry me and lighten my load (Matthew 11:28). I know that He will give me strength and uphold me with His righteous hand (Isaiah 41:10).

The question of the day is where are you going? What do you see on your horizon? Do you see more trouble and heartache and pain? Or do you see a beautiful sunrise filled with the promise of a glorious day? If you want to change the scenery, then change direction. God wants us to come to Him, but He gives us a choice. We can choose to come to Him or we can choose to go to the devil.

Whatever route you choose, watch very carefully where you are going. Know that if you need to change direction, you can turn to God and He will help you do that. Philippians 4:8 tells us to focus on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, whatever is excellent and what is worthy of praise. If you are headed to heaven, then these are the things you should be seeing before you. As Christians, even when we see trials and tribulations, we know that God is right beside us.

As you go through this day, watch where you are going. If you have decided to follow Jesus, it will be a beautiful journey.

Have a great day!