Watch Him Work

‘You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you.”
II Chronicles 20:17 NKJV

In this particular Scripture passage, King Jehoshaphat and his people have gathered because they have just found out two vast armies are coming against them. They have prayed to God and asked Him to deliver them from these armies. Here God is telling them that this is His battle, they do not have to fight. They just have to suit up, take their positions and watch Him work. He tells them not to be afraid or dismayed because He is with them.

Perhaps you are in a situation where you feel the world is against you. Perhaps you have lived most of your life that way. Maybe you are even angry at God because you feel like He has let you down. But you need to know that if you accept Him as your Savior, love Him with all your heart and live according to His purpose, He is always busy working in your life. We are told in Romans 8:28 that all things work for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

Often times the problem is that we are so busy trying to “fix” things ourselves, we don’t allow time or space for God to work. God is not going to play tug of war with us. We can give it to Him or we can hang on to it and do the best we can do with it. I have had to learn this the hard way.

I am one of those who like to “fix” things. I have a hard time watching someone work and not jumping in to help. But the Bible tells us that there are times that we need to be still and know that He is God (Psalms 46:10). God works things out for our good and His glory. Often times we want to work it out on our own so that we can get that pat on the back, but I have learned that it works out much better if I leave it all to Him. I’d rather have it work out for my God and let Him have all the glory.

Now, I will admit that there have been times that I feel that God has instructed me to do something when I have handed things over to Him. He provided me with information which I had to retrieve to help my case. But, ultimately He worked the entire situation out. Glory be to God.

When we give things over to God, He will let us know when He needs us to do something. He let Jehoshaphat and his men know that they needed to suit up and position themselves for battle. But, He clearly told them they would not need to fight, for this was His battle. This is one of my favorite battles in the Bible. Jehoshaphat and his men did as God instructed them. They sent those who were singing and praising God on the front line(verse 21). What faith to put the singers on the front line as opposed to the warriors, right? While they sang praises to God, these two armies turned on each other and destroyed each other. We are told in verses 25-26 that there were so many valuables and precious jewelry on the soldiers that opposed them, that it took them three days to carry it all away.

If you are willing to give it all to God, have no fear just anticipation. He will amaze you at what He can do. If you are facing hard times, don’t fear, trust in Him today. Watch Him work. He will take good care of you if you love Him with all your heart and trust in Him.

Have a great day!