Until Next Time

Be gracious to me, God, according to your faithful love; according to your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion. Wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. For I am conscious of my rebellion, and my sin is always before me.
Psalm 51:1-3 HCSB

My job with probation and parole was much different from the job of a police officer in that I had ongoing contact, in come cases continual contact, with my clientele. The police officer goes when there is a problem and may never see that person again. Of course, there are many cases where people are “regulars” for their local police department so the police officers deal with them briefly and they are done until the next time or the next contact.

We trained for emergency response in the event that we were called into a prison, as we did work for Department of Corrections. We were also called to assist other agencies in emergency situations. But, our primary job was not emergency response. The police officer’s job is emergency response. Their agency receives a call and they are dispatched to deal with the problem.

Many of us use Jesus as an emergency response. We cry out when we are in trouble or in anguish and then we have no further contact until the next time we need Him. I lived that way for more years than I care to admit. I did the obligatory church attendance once or twice a month, but I certainly wasn’t putting Jesus first in my life. I wasn’t putting others second. I was putting me first, others second and Jesus last. I squeezed Him in when I thought I had time for Him.

Oddly enough, when I found myself in one of those problematic situations, I ran to Him and expected Him to give me immediate attention. I expected Him to do whatever I was asking right away. I wanted Him to put me first. I wanted the one true God of this universe to put me first and “fix” the problem that I had created. I wanted Him to make things right. I was always so appreciative when He did. But, once things settled down, I went about doing things my way again. I didn’t put Him first, I just wanted Him to put me first.

The problem came when my messes were growing together. It seemed like every time I turned around, I had an emergency situation going on. I was crying out to God for help all the time. It seemed like it was just one thing after the other in this continual, downward spiral. I drew close to God, I got more serious with my church attendance. I even began attending Sunday School and evening services. But, I still kept living my life my way. I refused to let go of the sin in my life. I refused to give it all over to Him. It finally got where I just couldn’t take it anymore.

I had to do it His way. I had to give it all over. I am so glad I did. I no longer live a life of trusting in Him and obeying Him temporarily until the next crisis hits. I now live a consistent life of obedience. I trust in Him to guide me in all that I do. I know that He is with me through the fire and through the flood.

What about you? Are you living your life from one crisis to the next? Are you crying out to God and asking Him to fix a symptom of a problem and then going back to doing things your way until the next time you need Him?

If this sounds familiar, I encourage you to turn to Him today. Give it all over to Him, the good, the bad and the ugly. Put your trust in Him and obey Him. Whatever God tells us to do or not to do is for our own good. You will see this once you start to be obedient to Him. Stop living from one crisis to the next. Stop calling out to Him, seeing His deliverance, and thinking you are good to go until the next time.

Once you decide to enter into a close relationship with Him, you will have consistent peace in your life. You will have joy in your life. Doesn’t that sound great? I can assure you, it is.

Have a great day!