‘Tis the Season

No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.     John 15:13 HCSB

Deck the Halls is a Christmas carol that most of us probably know by heart. It speaks of decking the halls with boughs of holly, dressing in festive clothes, enjoying the blazing yule before us, and it speaks of being joyous even if the weather is nasty. For many, the holiday season is anything but joyous. There are those in hospitals with loved ones barely clinging to life. There are those who have lost loved ones and are mourning their loss. There are those who have suffered lost loves and are dealing with the sting of rejection.

As Christians for us, this should be a season of love. I hope for you this is a season of love and hope. I hope regardless of your circumstances, you have found and accepted the love that Christ so freely offered when He gave His life so we may have eternal life.

I also hope you can extend that love to others. I hope you realize often times we have no idea what others are going through. We don’t always see the inner struggles and understand why they may not feel so festive.

The greatest gift any of us can ever receive is salvation. We receive this only one way, which is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The greatest gift we can ever give is God’s love. If we accept and receive God’s love, we are expected to share it with others.

We get so busy in shopping for the perfect gift for those on our lists. We spend a great deal of time and money hoping to bring happiness and joy to those we love. We go to countless gatherings where we indulge in way too much food.  Sadly, the holidays can become stressful if we aren’t careful. We can be distracted and turn our minds away from the real reason for the season.

I encourage you to make this time of year a season of love. I encourage you to put the needs of others above your own needs (Philippians 2:3-4). Often times even when we are suffering, it can help to lighten our load when we help others.

The Christmas season has become a season of decorating, partying and gifting. I encourage you to be reminded of the great love God had for us when He sent that tiny baby boy down to earth to atone for our sins. I encourage you to show your appreciation by honoring Him in the way you live your lives and the way you love others.

While you are singing carols and decking the halls, remember those in need. Remember those who may just need a visit or a kind word. Sometimes the best gifts we can give don’t require our money, they simply require our time. Take time to be kind to others and show them Christ’ love.

Have a great day!