Rejoice and Be Glad

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.     Psalm 118:24 HCSB

I am typically a morning person. I get up early and take care of the things I need to do. Once I’ve had my coffee I am usually in a pretty good mood. I do my best to be joyful and thankful as I go through my day. The other day, however, I was awakened by my dogs. I could have slept longer, but I decided to make the best of it. Until I looked at my phone and had a text message that really annoyed me. This message caused me to have to do extra work I had not planned on for that day. I hate to say it, but I was a bit grumpy for the better part of that day.

I don’t like to be negative. I don’t even care to listen to negativity from others. I am a glass half full kind of person. My former pastor’s last sermon was titled, “A Grumpy Christian is an Oxymoron”.  I totally agree with that statement.

But truth be told, we all have those days from time to time where things just don’t go our way. We have to realize God is in control. We have to acknowledge His sovereignty in our lives. If we are running late, maybe it’s to help us avoid an accident. If we aren’t able to accomplish something we set out to do, maybe it wasn’t in His timing. And we know His timing is always perfect.

Our Scripture passage for today helps us to remember that God made this day. God knows best. Each day God gives us is a gift and we should look at it that way even when it’s not how we had hoped or planned.

We are living in a world where many people are lost and struggling. These people may often cause problems for those of us who are saved. We are called to be a beacon in this dark world. We are to imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1). My pastor often says we may be the only Bible some people ever read. We can’t do this with a negative, condescending, prideful or just plain mean attitude.

If you find yourself upset today or any given day, remember this is the day the LORD has made. We are to rejoice and be glad in it. I have learned that when things don’t go my way to thank God for His plan. We are told in Proverbs 16:6, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps.”

You’ve probably often heard it said, “Man plans and God laughs.” This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan, but it we must be flexible. We must understand that God is in control. We should do our best to try to live out Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.”

I strongly encourage you to begin each day by conversing with Jesus through prayer and Bible study.

And when your day isn’t going as you had hoped, remember Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Trust in God to direct your day. When plans get changed, rejoice and thank Him for His plan. Trust in His plan for your life and surrender your life to Him. Be thankful for every day He gives you.

We are here to fellowship with Him and lead others to Christ. Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

When our way doesn’t align with His will, we need to adjust. We must remember His way is always best for us. So, rejoice in each and every day and be glad. Surrender to Him. When we do this it’s easy to adhere to 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and rejoice always.

Be grateful for this day and have a great day!