There’s No Comparison

For I consider that the present sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of God.     Romans 8:18-21 ESV

We like to think of Christmas as being a time of peace and joy, but if we are honest, it’s not always that way. Christmas is also a time when some people suffer. It’s a time when people mourn the loss of loved ones who won’t be there to share in the Christmas joy. It’s a time when people experience added stress and anxiety in trying to please others with gifts and meals and celebrations. It can be a time of great suffering.

We know as Christians we are not exempt from suffering as long as we live on earth. The Bible tells us we will suffer. It tells us we will be persecuted for our faith (2 Timothy 3:12). I always say God never promises us a rose garden here on earth, but we are assured we will deal with a lot of thorns.

But in our Scripture passage for today, Paul assures us that the glory we eagerly await will be no comparison to the sufferings here on earth.

I think of it like comparing a Yugo to a Camaro. Now some of you may want to say to a Corvette, but I’m more of a muscle car fan, so I used Camaro. You can’t compare something like a Yugo or a smart car to something like a Camaro or any type of muscle car or sports car, right? Well, likewise, we can’t compare whatever struggles we face here on earth to the glory that awaits us in heaven.

But I do want to interject a couple of Scripture passages here. The first is Romans 8:28 just a few verses down from our passage for today. It says, “All things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” It doesn’t promise good for everyone just those who love the Lord and do what He calls them to do.

Then Hebrews 10:26 tells us if we go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.

The Bible tells us we have a choice when we are suffering here on earth. We can trust in God and give our troubles over to Him and follow Him. Or we can go the way the devil would have us to go.

We know if we trust in God, there will be no comparison between the sufferings we will experience here on earth and the glory we will experience in heaven.

We also know if we don’t surrender our lives to God, we will suffer eternal judgment in hell. I’m thinking that will be worse than any suffering we could possibly experience here on earth. If for no other reason, because it’s eternal. It will never end. We are separated from Jesus, who is our only hope.

I truly believe there is no comparison for anything here on earth to what we will experience in heaven. I believe everything will be brighter and more beautiful and more wonderful than we can ever imagine. Experiencing the eternal peace and joy found with God in heaven will be something that doesn’t compare to our best day here on earth.

I also believe that there is no sin or pleasure or luxury here on earth that is worth trading for eternal glory. I’ve certainly found nothing in my life that is worth the price of eternal torment.

When we face judgment, we are either going to experience a peace and joy that compares to nothing we have ever experienced on earth, or we are going to face a torment that compares to none we have ever faced on earth. Which will you choose?

Have a great day!