The Writing Is On The Wall

At that moment the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and began writing on the plaster of the king’s palace wall next to the lampstand. As the king watched the hand that was writing, his face turned pale, and his thoughts so terrified him that he soiled himself and his knees knocked together.  Daniel 5:6 CSB

The term, “the handwriting is on the wall” is used to predict impending doom or disaster. It’s an idiom that is actually derived from this passage of scripture.

So let’s look at what brought on this situation where this disembodied hand suddenly appeared and began writing on the wall. King Belshazzar threw a huge party for a thousand of his nobles. He began drinking and while he was under the influence, he decided to bring in the gold and silver vessels that King Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, when they entered the city and took many, including Daniel, captive. These vessels were from the temple and therefore should have been considered holy, but in his drunken state, Belshazzar said, “Hey boys watch this!” He had these goblets or vessels brought into the party and they all began to use them and drink from them. As they were drinking their wine from these, holy, sacred vessels, they praised their gods made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone (Daniel 5:1-4).

Now this is pretty brazen, right? King Belshazzar was so full of himself that he not only desecrated items from the temple, but he praised false gods while doing so. This proves the old saying that there is no such thing as a little sin because sin will take you farther than you ever intended to go, keep you longer than you ever intended to stay and make you pay more than you ever wanted to pay.

Let’s back up here and compare Belshazzar to Jehoshaphat. Belshazzar has Persian armies just outside the wall of Babylon wanting to come in and take over his kingdom. Now remember in 2 Chronicles chapter 20 when King Jehoshaphat had these vast armies coming against his land? He called his people together and they sought the Lord and prayed to God to save them. Wise move, right? But not Belshazzar, he decides to throw a big drinking party to boost morale. His pride and his idolatry are on full display and they lead to his downfall.

In Daniel 5:7-10 Belshazzar tries to find someone to interpret the writing, but none of his wise men could do so. The queen comes in and reminds him that Daniel is a man who has the spirit of the Holy God within him and the wisdom of the gods were found in him. Now, I guess she didn’t understand this, but actually it was the wisdom of the one true God that Daniel possessed. Daniel was brought in to do the interpretation.

Daniel interpreted the words to mean that Belshazzar had been judged by God and found deficient or lacking and for this reason God has put an end to his kingdom and it has been divided and given over to the Medes and the Persians. That very night Belshazzar was slain and the Medes and the Persians took over Babylon. The Babylonians thought that they were secure within their walls. They had ample supplies and thought that their enemy could not enter the gate. They had a water supply, the Euphrates River, which flowed through the city. What they did not count on is the enemy entering under the gates through the river.

There are many lessons that can be learned here, but what I want to convey to you today is that your sin will find you out. No good can come from it, a blind man can see that disaster follows sin. My friend if you are enslaved in sin, call out to God. Reach up to Him and grab His righteous hand. He tells us in Isaiah 41:10 that He will uphold us with His righteous hand. Search your heart for any sin, particularly any pride and any idolatry. If you are prideful and/or are putting other things before God the handwriting is on the wall, my friend. This will certainly lead to death and destruction.

Jehoshaphat was wise and turned to God when enemies came against him. God not only destroyed his enemies, but we are told that all Jehoshaphat’s army had to do was stand and watch the work of God, then carry out the vast amount of plunder.

Oh, if only Belshazzar had turned to God instead of alcohol and idols. If only he had lost that foolish pride and allowed God to fight the battle. But, he did not.

If you are sinning, if you are prideful, if you are putting anything or anyone before God know that your days are numbered. Know that when you are judged by God, you will not measure up. Know that the handwriting is on the wall. Turn to Him today before it’s too late.

Have a great day!