The World’s Most Pitiful People

Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and they did not repent of their deeds.    Revelation 16:10-11 LSB

Our Scripture passage is a foretelling of what will happen on earth during the tribulation. Just as God wanted Pharaoh to come to Him and believe in Him and trust in Him and let His people go, He wants people to do the same today. Even during the great tribulation, God will continue to try to draw people to Him. Many of us come to God through chaos, but we see from our Scripture passage that many will not turn to God but will curse God and refuse to repent of their sins.

These people will be inflicted with very painful boils or sores. They will have their waters turned to blood and all the living things in there will die. They will experience sun so hot it scorches their skin. Then they will experience darkness. When I say “they” I am referring to those who are unsaved. God will spare those who are saved during this time from these terrible plagues, just as he spared the Israelites when He brought plagues on Egypt.

During the tribulation there will be people so devoted in their religions or worship of “the beast” they will fail to see God for who He is. They will fail to understand His sovereignty. They will fail to see that Christ is the only way, the truth and the life. Even though God is pouring out His wrath on them begging them to come to Him and be saved and be relieved from these plagues, they will curse Him. They will refuse to repent.

During this holiday season, my heart is filled with sadness over those who have lost loved ones during this time. I am filled with sadness for those who are mourning lost loved ones and will be faced with that empty chair at the table for the holiday get-togethers with family and friends. There are many people suffering for many various reasons.

If these people are saved and have a solid relationship with the Lord, however, I know the Lord will walk them through this. I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. I can pray for these people with faith and full confidence that God will get them through this very difficult time. But what truly breaks my heart is those who are not in a relationship with Him.

As I read through Tim Lahaye’s book, Revelation Unveiled, he said exactly what I am feeling. The most pitiful people in the world are not the saved people who are mourning, but the unsaved who have no clue. I paraphrased a great deal there. But he pointed out that there are those who are so busy being involved in their religion that they have no relationship with the Lord. They don’t understand the importance of surrendering their lives to Him. These are the world’s most pitiful people.

This is why Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.”

These pitiful people will be shocked on the day of judgment to find that their religious devotion did not help them because they neglected to have a solid relationship with their Lord and Savior. They failed to do His will. They failed to obey His commandments, even though they were very “involved” in their religion.

Some are so involved in their religion that they have no time to serve others. They don’t even have time to serve the Lord because they are busy with their religious commitments. Tim Lahaye describes these as cults. My friend you might be involved in a cult if your religious rituals are more important than your relationship with the Lord. These rituals do not save us, only the blood of Christ saves us.

Surrender to Him today. Ask Him for wisdom and discernment to be better able to determine what it is the Lord would have you to do. Do His will and obey His commandments.

Whatever you do, don’t become one of the most pitiful people in the world.

Have a great day!