The Wicked Never Win

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee before Him.
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.
Sing to God, sing praises to His name; extol Him who rides on the clouds, by his name YAH, and rejoice before Him.
Psalms 68:1-4 NKJV

If you read the news or watch the news-don’t. It’s depressing, but the most depressing part of it is it always seems as though the wicked are winning. It seems as though the evil in the world is taking over. But we must remember things are not always as they seem.

Most importantly, we must remember who is in charge. We must understand that God does not tolerate evil, wicked behavior. Psalms 34:1 says, “Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.” Isaiah 13:11 says, “I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

The Bible clearly tells us the wicked will not escape punishment. There are times, however, when it seems as though evil is winning. It seems as though the wicked are getting their way. Don’t be fooled by this. Don’t be envious of all they have or all they accomplish. It will fade away quickly. We are told in Psalms 37:1-4, “Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong. For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants. Trust in the LORD and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely. Take delight in the LORD and He will give you your heart’s desires.”

When it looks like evil is winning, don’t allow it to get the best of you. Trust in God and do what is good. We are told in Romans 12:21, “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.” No matter how good it may look for wicked evil people at any given time, know they are not escaping God’s judgment. Know that God sees their behavior and will deal with them.

The devil often uses evil, wicked people to distract us from what we are supposed to be doing. We are supposed to be focusing on God. We are supposed to be obeying His commands and trusting in Him. This means we are trusting that His timing is perfect even if it means we have to wait.

While we wait, we need to be serving Him. Isaiah 41:31 tells us those who wait on the LORD will renew their strength, mount up on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. Trust in God. Trust in His timing. Do what is good. Focus on Him and do not let the behavior of evil, wicked people get you down.

Even if it looks as though the wicked are winning, it’s just because God is waiting for the perfect time to deal with them. Know He will deal with them. Don’t ever allow yourself to think if you can’t beat them join them because God always beats them.

They may ride high for a bit, but they will wither like the grass. Trust in God and His timing. Focus on Him and not them.

Have a great day!