The Remnant

In the same way, then, there is also at the present time a remnant chosen by grace.     Romans 11:5 HCSB

If you look up the definition for the word remnant, you will see that it refers to a small remaining piece of something. It’s a common word in construction. If you are doing a small job of flooring or countertops you may be able to find a remaining or small piece leftover from another job. These can usually be purchased at a much better price than having a piece custom cut for your job.

As you can see from a Biblical perspective the word remnant refers to those who remain faithful to God. Paul is referring to what Elijah told God in 1 Kings 19. God had performed great miracles through Elijah. He had brought rain down to consume a water-soaked altar with an offering on it. He had brought rain after three years of no rain. Elijah must have thought these things would surely help wicked Ahab and Jezebel see that Yahweh was the one true God, turn from their wicked ways and worship Him. But instead, Jezebel plotted to kill Elijah.

Elijah fled in fear of his life. God saw to it that Elijah’s physical needs were met after his journey, then He asked Elijah what he was doing there. Elijah responded by telling God how he had zealously done all God had called him to do but the Israelites had abandoned God’s covenant, torn down his altars and killed his prophets. They were also wanting to kill him. This is in 1 Kings 19:14. God responds to him in verse 18 and tells him that he has left this remnant of 7,000 men who have refused to worship Baal or the false god. God explains to him that there is still a faithful remnant of those who worship Him.

Throughout the Old Testament we see a remnant of those who remain faithful to God in trying times. What we see when we study these people is that even amidst chaos and turmoil going on around them, they fare well. God takes good care of them. The book of Ruth shows this for Ruth and Naomi. The books of Daniel, Esther, and Nehemiah shows this for them and others who remained faithful when the Israelites were taken into Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar.

When you have a remnant in construction it is typically used to complete a small job. But in Biblical terms we see that a small remnant can accomplish great things. Esther and Mordecai, through their faithfulness to God, were able to save the Israelites from the destruction Haman had planned for them. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were put in high places of authority while in captivity. And Nehemiah was able to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem.

We must choose to be a remnant. To do so, we must focus on Jesus and not what’s all around us. This is not easy to do. But if we keep our focus on Him, He will work things out for us (Matthew 6:33, Romans 8:28).

We learn when studying the churches in Revelation that there were remnants who did as God commanded and did not follow the false teachings going on in their churches.

As Christians today there are many things going on around us that we must not follow. We even need to take a stand against it.

Be a remnant. Be a small remaining piece that can be used to do a big job. Turn to God today.  Be faithful to Him. Stand strong in your belief. He will take good care of you.

Have a great day!