The Pruning

“I am the true vine, and My father is the vineyard keeper. Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit.     John 15:1-2 HCSB

In my front yard, I have Encore Azaleas. If you know anything about azaleas, you know that they produce beautiful blooms for just a month or so in the spring. But the Encore variety produces beautiful blooms for 9 months out of the year when they are properly cared for. A big part of caring for them is pruning.

When I was out in my yard yesterday, I noticed they needed pruning. All the rain we have been getting has caused quite a bit of growth, but they need to be pruned. This means I need to get out my big lopping shears and trim them. I need to bring out the electric hedge trimmer and shape up the top and sides. I need to add a little plant food. Right now, they are growing but not producing blooms. When I do these things, they will bring forth beautiful pink blooms to adorn the front of my house.

As Christians, we also need to be pruned. Fortunately, God doesn’t prune us with a hedge trimmer or lopping shears, but it can sometimes feel just as painful. Sometimes our pruning involves a broken heart or a crushed spirit. The good news is we are told in Psalm 34:18 tells us “The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

Sometimes there are things in our lives that prevent us from producing fruit and these must be cut away in order for us to bring forth beautiful blooms or good and plentiful fruit. And while pruning sounds like a painful process, it’s much less painful than the alternative. John 15:5-6 tells us that if we remain in Jesus Christ, we will produce much fruit, but if anyone does not remain in Him, they will be thrown aside and wither. Then they will be gathered and thrown into the fire and will be burned.

Pruning may be a painful part of being a Christian, but it is necessary for growth and production. It will also bring forth goodness as we grow and become more productive. By being productive it means that we produce more fruit. We are commissioned to go out and make disciples. We cannot do this when we are in need of pruning, but once we are pruned, we begin to blossom and bear fruit.

If you are committed to God’s will and are suffering it may just be a little pruning. Remember this is necessary. God tells us in John 16:33 that in this world we will suffer, but to take heart because Christ has conquered the world. Unfortunately, a little suffering may be necessary but have no fear,1 Peter 5:10 says the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little while. The dominion belongs to Him forever. Amen.

When we commit to Christ, we often come to Him with relationships or habits that need to be pruned or “cut off” from our lives. The pruning may be painful, but the end result is beautiful growth and productivity.

Have a great day!