The Lamp

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.  Psalm 119:105 HCSB

If you have ever experienced total darkness and tried to maneuver in it, you know that it can be confusing. Even in familiar surroundings with no light, we can become disoriented and get turned around. We can stumble and fall. We can lose our way.

Some say nothing good happens after dark. My husband grew up in town and said that his parents used to tell him to be home by the time the street lights come on. We are not meant to be creatures of darkness. Humans require sunshine for vitamin D. We are meant to be in the light. Even plants need light to survive.

The Bible tells us that God is light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it (John 1:5). The devil likes to operate under darkness. We are told in Isaiah 45:7-8 that God creates the light and makes the darkness. He controls it all. We are told in Luke 12:3 that what we say in darkness will be heard in the light.

When we are sneaking around, we like to do that in darkness. Darkness hides us from view, or so we think. The one time that I was burglarized, it occurred at night. Criminals like to use darkness to conceal their criminal behavior.

We have to make a choice as to whether we want to live in light or in darkness. We can’t do both. Have you ever been in total darkness where there was light? Of course not, because even the smallest light can overcome the darkness. So we must choose one or the other. We can’t walk with God and the devil. We have to choose.

So I am asking you today to take a look at your life? Is it full of secrets and things that you hope no one finds out? Are there things that you do that you definitely would not share with your Sunday School class? You see we are either light or we are darkness. We may try to convince others that we are light while we are walking in the darkness, but after a while it becomes evident.

So if you were to do a self assessment, would you say that you are walking in light or in darkness? Which do you want to walk in? You see, if you are walking in darkness and you are content to be there where you think your sins and your secrets are safe then there probably isn’t much I can say to convince you to step into the light. But if you are tired of bumbling and stumbling around in the darkness, then know that there is hope. There is a light at the end of your tunnel. Know that God’s word is a good place to start. You can’t be in fellowship with God if you don’t converse with God. We do this through prayer where we speak to Him and through Bible reading where He speaks to us through His word.

We spoke last week of the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding us on the right path. Well, our scripture passage today tells us that God’s word lights that path for us. God’s word gives us clear understanding on what we should and should not do. It tells us how to live. Jesus illustrated how we should handle things like temptation and frustration and suffering. He taught us how to deal with those that were our enemies and persecuted us. There is no situation that we can face that is not covered in God’s word.

Trust God to be your light. Walk in the light and be a light to others. Use His word as a lamp for your feet and light for your path. He is there to guide you every step of the way. All you have to do is trust in Him and allow His word to guide you.

Have a great day!