The Gift That Keeps On Giving

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.         John 3:16 ESV

Yesterday we celebrated three family birthdays-my nephew who is 8 years younger than me, my great niece who turned 9 yesterday, and my great nephew who turns 5 in a few days. With birthdays and with Christmas, we always struggle to find a gift that they will like and use. It’s sometimes a challenge because for the older ones they tend to go and get what they want. With the younger ones you have to be around them enough to know what they are into and this can change daily. I think we can all agree that the best kind of gift is the gift they will not only enjoy in the days and weeks after it is given, but the gift that continues to be something they will enjoy for years to come.

Now what most people don’t understand is that we buy them gifts because to us they are precious gifts. My nieces and nephews have not only been wonderful additions to our families over the years and brought great joy into my life, but they have also provided me with great nieces and nephews who have done the same.  A new life is a precious gift. We are told in James 1:17 that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no various or shadow due to change.  Today I want to remind you of the best gift that has ever been given. As believers, we know that this is Jesus Christ.

God sent his one and only Son to earth, born of a virgin, to save us from our sin. As we look at nativity scenes, we see this tiny baby lying in a manger. He literally had the weight of the world on his tiny little shoulders. He came into the world as a baby to be our savior. He grew to be a man that lived as an example of how we should live and how we should love others. He was falsely accused, tortured, and humiliated and put through death on a cross so that His blood could wash our sins away. He rose from the grave and conquered death so that we can have eternal life. He walks with us today through our trials and tribulations.

I ask you today, what are you doing with the greatest gift ever given? Are you acknowledging Him in all areas of your life? Do you bring him glory and honor and praise in all you do? Or have you tucked him away neatly on a shelf? Do you only pull Him out for church services and when the preacher stops by? Do you keep him in the glove compartment of your car while you cry out in anger with your road rage?

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given to us, but He does us no good if we don’t put Him front and center in our lives. Have you ever bought someone a gift that you thought would really help them with something and be so useful for them and have them tuck it away and never use it. How did that make you feel? How would you have felt if you found that they had thrown it in the trash? God has given us the best gift ever. He has given us what we need to have eternal life. How do you think He feels when we reject His Son?

We have all been offered a tremendous gift, but we must accept it. Will you accept it and proudly display it in all areas of your life or will you throw it away? Will you keep it in a closet and only pull it out when it’s convenient?

The choice is yours. If you accept this gift, I can tell you from personal experience that you will continue to receive more than you could ever imagine. God will continue to bless you in ways beyond your belief. Not only will God bless you while you live here on earth, but He will provide you with eternal life in glory with Him. His gift is one that never stops giving throughout eternity. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Will you do that today?

Have a great day!