The Flesh vs. The Spirit

For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave and the other by a free woman. But the one by the slave was born according to the impulse of the flesh, while the one by the free woman was born as the result of a promise. These things are illustrations, for the women represent the two covenants. One is from Mount Sanai and bears children into slavery-this is Hagar.    Galatians 4:22-24 HCSB

We have been studying the life of Abraham in our Sunday School lessons over the last few months. God had promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation. He promised that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. He promised Abraham a son. But in Genesis chapter 16, Abraham and Sarah thought that God must need their help and took matters into their own hands. Sarah convinced Abraham to go to her Egyptian slave woman, Hagar, and have a child with her. This Egyptian slave woman acted as surrogate and gave birth to a son, named Ishmael. This was not God’s plan for Abraham, he had intended for the child to be born of Sarah. But God agreed to make Ishmael the father of a great nation as well. It would be about 14 years later when Isaac would be born of Abraham and Sarah.

The interesting thing about these two births is that Ishmael was born of the flesh. This was Abraham and Sarah’s plan to carry out God’s promises. It wasn’t exactly as God had promised because God had promised that Sarah, who was barren, would have a child. God had planned a miraculous birth, but Abraham and Sarah grew impatient and decided to handle things their way.

All these years later, when it should have been impossible for Sarah to conceive, birth and nurse a child due to her age, Sarah became pregnant, gave birth to Isaac, and nursed him up until the time he was 2-3 years old as was customary of that day. They had a great feast to celebrate Isaac being weaned and Sarah noticed Ishmael mocking Isaac. Sarah demanded that Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away. Abraham didn’t want to, but God told him to do as Sarah had asked.

When you read this, it seems cruel. Sending Hagar and Ishmael out into the wilderness seemed a bit extreme, but God took care of them and provided for them. Our Scripture passage in Galatians today explains that the two children represent the two covenants of Abraham. The child born of the slave represents the flesh while the child born of the free woman represents the Spirit. Our Sunday School Lesson which comes from the curriculum, Answers in Genesis explains it this way, the flesh and the spirit cannot exist together.

Often times we try to live in the Spirit and in the flesh, but this is impossible. We have to choose. Abraham had created a situation with Hagar and Ishmael where he had to choose between Hagar and Ishmael and Sarah and Isaac. Isaac was a child born through miraculous means. He was the heir God had promised Abraham. Ishmael was born out of Abraham and Sarah’s impatience. God knew that they would grow impatient, and He knew what the end result would be. Ishmael’s descendants are the Arab nations that exist today.

The flesh and the Spirit can no more co-exist in our lives than Ishmael and Isaac could exists together in Abraham’s household. It just doesn’t work. Abraham loved Ishmael, he was his son and had been with him for 15 or 16 years at this point. He loved Isaac who had been born through God’s miracle for Him and Sarah. Isaac was the result of God’s will for their life and his promises to them. Abraham had to make a choice. He was hesitant to send Hagar and Ishmael away, he was sad to see them go.

Aren’t we hesitant to let go of our sin or to crucify our flesh? Aren’t we sometimes sad to see it go? If you are torn between the flesh and the Spirit, I can assure you that no good comes from hanging on to the flesh. I know, I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Let it go. Let God have control of your life. Let Him bless you and protect you from the sins of the flesh. Trust in Him to take good care of you and don’t take matters into your own hands.

There is nothing better than walking in the Spirit and trusting in Him.

Have a great day!