The First Christmas Miracles

Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.     Luke 1:36-37 NKJV

Not a lot is said about John the Baptist at Christmas time, but in the gospel of Mark it begins with John the Baptist. His birth was also a miracle as he was born to parents of old age. We saw this happen in Genesis with Abraham and Sarah.

Mary questions the angel about how she could possibly have a son as she was a virgin. Our Scripture passage is the angel’s response to her. He reminds her that her cousin Elizabeth has conceived in her old age.

Mary responded with “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” in verse 38. Mary was just a young girl engaged to be married to Joseph. She knew she had been faithful to Joseph, but now she is being told she will have a child.

I can’t imagine what must have been swirling around in her head as the angel spoke to her. I can’t imagine the combination of fear and awe she must have felt at that moment.

Prior to the angel visiting Mary in Luke 1, he visited Zechariah to tell him that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a child. This would be John the Baptist, a cousin and forerunner to Jesus. His preaching would prepare the people for the Messiah.

We see two different responses to these miracles. In Luke 1:18 Zechariah questions how he and his wife will conceive as they are of old age. The angel takes a different approach and makes Zechariah mute until the child’s birth for his unbelief.

Keep in mind Zechariah was a priest. Perhaps being a priest, he should have been more understanding of this miracle that was about to take place.

The point is not their response, the point here is for us to understand God is in the miracle business. We often talk about Christmas miracles and perhaps you have experienced this for yourself. God is in the business of performing miracles throughout the year.

The angel patiently explains to Mary that nothing is impossible for God. We need to remind ourselves of this on a daily basis. If God can cause barren women beyond their childbearing years to conceive and give birth, He can handle whatever we need. If He can cause a virgin to give birth, He can certainly answer our prayers.

We must remember God still performs miracles. We must trust in Him. Most importantly we must believe He will do what is best for us. He may not always give you what you ask for, but He will be with you. He will take care of you no matter what you may be going through.

It’s important to take this lesson from Mary. She was young and no doubt afraid. She had to have been confused and wondering, “Why me Lord?”, but she surrendered to God’s will for her life.

Surrender to Christ today. Submit to His will for your life. Trust in Him and allow Him to lead you and guide you in all you do. Trust in Him to do what is best for you. Never lose faith, believe in Him because nothing is impossible for God.

Have a great day!