The Difference Between Reading and Studying

These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.      Deuteronomy 6:6-9 HCSB

I’ve often heard people say they don’t read the Bible because they find it confusing. Well, this particular Scripture passage is pretty clear. God is telling the Israelites to know His words. He is telling them to be absolutely sure of His commands.

God is also telling them how important it is to instruct their children to obey His commands. We can’t obey commands if we don’t know what they are. In order to know what they are we must study them and recite them over and over.

When I would sign someone up on probation or parole, I would advise them to put a copy of their probation or parole order on their bathroom mirror or their nightstand and read it every day. I wanted them to be very familiar with what they could and could not do.

This is what the Israelites were instructed to do with God’s commands. Often times we don’t choose to study anything unless we are being tested on it. My friend, please know you will be tested on God’s word daily. Satan knows God’s word inside and out. If we don’t, we could be in trouble.

Jesus was tested when he spent 40 days in the wilderness. Each and every time Satan tested Him, Jesus responded with, “It is written.” Satan tried to twist God’s word, but Jesus was able to correct Him and pass the test. Jesus was able to be tempted and not sin.

For us, that’s what it’s all about. We will be tempted daily. Satan wants to steal our souls he wants to kill our enthusiasm for the Lord, and he wants to destroy our witness (John 10:10). If we are not firmly rooted in God’s Word, we make his job much easier.

Maybe you read God’s Word every day and this is a great start, but you must study it in order to pass the tests. The difference in reading and studying is simple. When we read, we may gloss over something and consider that good enough. We don’t feel a need to memorize it, so we don’t bother diving in too deeply.

We study to learn God’s word. We study in order to obtain a deeper understanding of what is being said. We want to be sure of what it means. We want to be able to recall it in times of testing.

I ask you today, are you reading God’s word each and every day? Because I can assure you, you will be tempted and tested each and every day. Know that reading is not enough. You must study God’s holy Word.

We study by reading commentaries written by those who have spent their lives studying the Bible. We study by attending Bible studies, Sunday School classes and hearing sermons. We study by discussing the Bible with others.

There are some great study Bibles and commentaries on the market today. Many can be obtained on the internet.

By studying our Bible, we develop a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior. As time draws near, I strongly encourage you to study God’s word. Don’t just read it, know what it means and be able to share it with others.  Most importantly be sure you can pass the tests that are coming your way.

Have a great day!