The Chain Of Christian Love

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so through Christ our comfort overflows.
1 Corinthians 1:3-5 HCSB

I have often marveled at how Christianity works. When God puts something together, He does it perfectly. So, the Christian love walk is no different, of course. I think of our salvation as being sort of like a multi-level marketing plan. If you have ever been involved in multi-level marketing you know that the object is not only to sign up for the program, but to bring as many others into the program as you possibly can. Then you train those to bring in others into the program. The hope is that if you bring ten people in and they bring ten people, it will continue on. With Christianity, we don’t bring people in under us, we bring them in at our level under God. But, they still need to be trained up and brought to maturity as their ultimate goal is to bring others to the love of Christ.

Our scripture passage today tells us that God will comfort us. I mentioned yesterday that I don’t know how people get through hard times without God. In the last few days, I have witnessed all these Christian brothers and sisters that God has sent to bring comfort. We are told in our scripture passage that God comforts us so that we can comfort others. We will go through some hard times in our life here on planet earth. We will experience many hardships and will even be persecuted. The Bible doesn’t candy coat that for us. But, as Christians we know that God walks beside us through the fire and through the flood. We know that He is there to comfort us. We also know that He provides the strength for us to comfort our Christian brothers and sisters when they go through hard times.

Yesterday we mentioned Matthew 5:4 which says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” When we go through trying times, God sends our Christian brothers and sisters to provide comfort and love. His presence assures us in difficult times. So while we may not feel blessed because of a loss or any other difficulty we may face, we can certainly feel blessed that God has sent those to comfort us. We can also feel blessed knowing that we will have the opportunity to comfort others.

As we navigate the narrow road of the Christian life, it’s good to know that we have other Christians traveling that road with us. It’s good to know that there is someone to help us up should we stumble. It’s good to know that we can help others who do the same.

For many years, I had good friends and we had good times. I didn’t want to give those up to truly devote my life to Christ. But something wonderful happened. Many of my friends devoted their life to Christ at about the same time I did. I have never had more fun times than those spent with my Christian friends and my church family. I haven’t lost anything at all. I have gained so much more.

Multi-level marketing is just that; people operating at different levels. But true Christian love is more like a chain. It’s strong and it can’t be broken. When Christians come together to love and support each other, they know they will receive that love and support back when they need it.

If you have not gotten on that Christian chain gang, I strongly encourage you to do so. Surround yourself by good, Christian friends and a good, solid church family. Let Jesus free you from the bondage of sin so you can be bound in Christ and work alongside your Christian brothers and sisters bringing comfort, peace, and joy. There is truly nothing better that we could do while we wait here for God to call us home.

If you haven’t  surrendered to Christ, there is no better time than right now. Surrender to Him and allow Him to attach you to His Christian chain gang where you can be bound in love working alongside fellow Christians to further His kingdom.

All you have to do is love Him and trust in Him today. He will comfort you and you can comfort others.

Have a great day!