Stop Whining and Start Praying

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV

We have just had a round of elections this fall, and more are coming next year. We all like to whine and complain about people, especially those in positions of authority, but how often do we lift them up in prayer?

If we truly believe God is in complete control of everything, then we must understand that people are in positions of authority because God put them there. We may not understand why God puts certain people in the places where they are, but we must understand that He is in control.

We have two choices; we can praise God and pray for those in positions of authority as His Word clearly tells us to do or we can complain about them. Now complaining was something the Israelites did a lot of in the Old Testament and if you have read about them, then you know God is not pleased by whining and complaining. Many even died for doing so, just sayin’.

Our Scripture passage for today tells us we are to pray for all people. Why does it seem so much easier and better to complain about people than to love them and pray for them as the Bible tells us to do? I guess it’s because our flesh wars against the Spirit and the flesh wants to trash them rather than pray for them.

My friend, our country is in trouble. We have major issues facing us at local, state and national levels. Don’t be deceived thinking that any politician can fix these problems. Only God can fix these problems, this is why prayer is so important. Our Scripture passage for today tells us to pray for all people. We are to intercede on behalf of all people praying that their needs are met and giving thanks for them.

It doesn’t say pray only for people you like, but that’s what we tend to do isn’t it? We pray for those we like and complain about those we don’t like. I haven’t read anywhere in the Bible where God is pleased with us complaining about someone else.

Then we are directed to pray for kings and those in high positions. We need to pray for our politicians. We need to pray for our leaders. Wives need to pray for husbands and husbands for wives. Parents need to pray for their children.

We especially need to pray for our pastors. They have been charged with a difficult task when it comes to leading a church. Often times they are faced with leading a bunch of complainers.

Our complaining doesn’t change things. You can complain about a person until you are blue in the face as my grandmother used to say. I’m guessing that means until you stop breathing. It will do absolutely nothing to improve the situation.

My friend let me tell you, though, prayer changes things. Prayer works. God doesn’t always give us what we ask for, but He gives us what is best for us. He knows what our future holds. He holds our future. So, don’t complain when you don’t get what you want, but be thankful that you got just what you needed.

I honestly think God uses some politicians and people in authority to punish us and to alert us that we need to make some changes. My prayer as the elections continue is that our nation will repent, and God will bless us with Christian leaders.

The next time you start thinking about complaining about someone, take that thought captive as we are told to do in 2 Corinthians 10:5. Instead, obey our Scripture passage for today and pray for that person.

As we go through this next year, pray for God to bless our cities, parishes or counties, states and our nation with good, Christian leaders. Pray that we will get leaders that will want to do things like bring prayer back into our schools and things that help our nation to honor God and not anger God.

Complaining does nothing but annoy those around you and incite others to do the same, but prayer changes things.

Have a great day!