Stay on course

“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Have you ever run a race or been in any type of competition and had someone mess you up and cause you to lose your ground?

As a former runner, I have run many 5ks, 10ks, and even a few half marathons. I attended the police academy as a good strong runner used to running 3-5 miles a day. So when it came to running, I may not have been the fastest but I had plenty of endurance. A friend of mine in the academy was a personal trainer as well as a police officer. He often joked that when we ran, it was like the tortoise and the hare. He started off strong but I always glided past him before the finish. Slow and steady wins the race.

As Christians our walk with Christ is more like a marathon than a sprint. We must stay steady on our course. As I mentioned the other day, we must pay close attention. The devil wants to trip us. He wants to get us off course,

In this scripture passage Paul tells the Galatians that they had been running a good race. They had veered off course by failing to obey God’s word. Someone or something tripped them.

Is there someone in your life who is cutting in on you? Is there someone trying to trip you up or steer you off course? We must be on guard against these types of distractions. Pray daily for wisdom and discernment.

Pray for those that are trying to trip you up. Try to guide them in the way that God would have us to go. If they refuse, you may have to reconsider your relationship with them. Ask God to guide you.

We train hard to run a race. We prepare our bodies physically, but any runner will tell you that 80% of the challenge is mental. You must have the mindset that you can and will finish this race successfully.

So whether you started your run or you are miles and miles into it, focus on God. Focus on that victorious finish line in heaven. Make up your mind that you will let nothing or no one trip you up.

Run steady and finish strong! Have a wonderful day!