Sold To The Highest Bidder

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.
2 Corinthians 5:17 HCSB

Let’s face it we all want new stuff. We want the newest trends in our homes. We want new or newer cars. We want the latest trendiest clothes. New is good, right? But oftentimes we don’t like to be sold. The last thing I want to happen when I’m car shopping is for some pushy salesman to follow me around the lot rambling on about every car they have and how it’s the perfect car for me. I like to take my time and look around carefully. I like to check things like the interior, the bells and whistles. If it’s a used car I want to see how many miles it has. I want to see if it has many dents or dings. I want to see if the tires look worn or new. I want to check it out. If I’m impressed, then I will let the salesman know I want to drive it. That’s how I like to buy a car or really anything for that matter.

I guess that’s why I love God so much. He never pushed His life or His way of living on me. He gave me free will. He let me try it my way. I think He may have followed me around because there were a few times I’m sure He had a hand in saving me from my own stupid actions. There were times I came out of things without a scratch that should have been the death of me. But He was always there, waiting for me to come to Him.

I was raised in church, and I thank God for that. But there were times when I strayed. There was a time in my life when my old life got really old. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I grew tired of trying to change everyone else to conform to what I thought I needed in my life. I decided it was time to change me. I wanted a new me. That’s just what I found when I went to Christ. I found that it wasn’t everyone around me who was the problem. It was me. I had lost focus of Jesus. I was living my life for me, and it was bringing me nothing but heartache.

I traded the old me over to Christ and I got a new me, a brand new me. This me knows that He loves me more than I could ever imagine. This me wants to please Him with what I say and what I do. This me wants to help others and do the kinds of things that make Him happy. I am so grateful for the new me. This is why I am sold to Christ. Let’s face it, He is definitely the highest bidder, having paid His life.

My friend if you are not sold to Christ, please consider that. No one will ever love you more. No one has given their life for you. No one has your back like He does. Trust in Him today. Sell out to Him and let Him take over, you will never regret it.

Have a great day!