Ready Or Not, Here It Comes!

When they had gone to buy some, the groom arrived. Then those who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet, and the door was shut.
Later, the rest of the virgins also came and said, ‘Master, master, open up for us!’
But he replied, ‘I assure you: I do not know you.!’
Therefore, be alert, because you don’t know either the day or the hour.     Matthew 25:10-13 HCSB

Our Scripture passage comes from the parable of the 10 virgins. These were 10 bridesmaids waiting for the groom to arrive. Last year we watched a movie at church that showed how weddings were done back in Jesus’ day. The groom would propose to the bride. Once the bride accepted the groom’s proposal, it was as binding as marriage. The groom would then go to prepare a home for his bride. The only person who knew when the wedding feast would take place was the father of the groom. Not even the groom knew when he would go for his bride, and they would celebrate the wedding feast. Once the father gave the go-ahead, the groom and his wedding party went to meet his bride and her wedding party, and they went into the wedding feast. This could be in the middle of the night, but whatever time it was all those who wanted to attend the wedding needed to be ready because once they closed the door no one was allowed in.

This is used to represent our entrance into heaven. We have no idea when we will die or when the rapture will take place. We must be ready at all times. In the parable of the 10 virgins or maidens, five of them were foolish and brought no extra oil with them and five were sensible and were prepared by bringing extra oil for their lamps. When the foolish maidens ran out of oil, they tried to bum some from the sensible maidens, but they refused saying that they should go and buy some. This is where we come in. Of course, when they leave to buy some oil, the bridegroom shows up.

When 2019 came to an end, I had enjoyed a wonderful trip to New York with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law and my nieces and a dear friend. We had no idea what was coming our way in 2020. Who knew we would face a pandemic that would even shut our churches down or force us to meet in the parking lots? When 2020 ended and we all gave a sigh of relief. We had no idea that it would be the last Christmas we would spend with my father-in-law. Who knew that the pandemic would continue? And I don’t think anyone could have been fully prepared for the devastation we faced as Hurricane Idea brought mass destruction to our area.

I pray that 2022 is a wonderful year. I pray that we have peace and joy throughout the world, but sadly I know that this may not be the case. I’ve read my Bible and I know that things may only continue to worsen until Jesus comes back. We are already hearing about supply shortages and who knows what else we will face?

But there is one thing I am certain of and that is whatever I face, I will face it with my Lord and Savior. It won’t be so scary because He will be there with me. I pray that you can say the same. When we are in a good, solid, loving, trusting relationship with Him we can face whatever the future brings. It not only prepares us for the year ahead, but it prepares us for the journey home whether that happens today or 50 years from now.

I urge you today not to be like the foolish virgins, be prepared. Because ready or not, when the clock strikes midnight tonight, we will usher in 2022. We have no idea what the future holds, but I know who holds my future. For this reason, I am not afraid. I pray that you can say the same.

Have a very Happy New Year!