Our Policy and Procedure Manual

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God is equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:16-17

When you start a new job, you are usually given a really thick book or binder which contains the policies and procedures your company expects you to adhere to and use as a guideline. Most agencies that I have worked for require me to read them and sign acknowledging that I have read and understand them. This is so that when a worker is in violation of policy, they can’t use the excuse that they didn’t know about or understand that particular policy.

We are not ordered to read the Bible. There is no form to sign saying we have read and understood the Bible.

But I do often hear people say, “Well, there is no manual for how to raise children” or “There’s no manual for how to be a good spouse.” Well, that’s not really true. The Bible tells us how to parent. It tells us how to be a good spouse. It tells us how to be good employers and employees. It gives all sorts of good advice, but you have to not only read it but study it to know this.

Now I will admit that I couldn’t quote policy and procedure to you from my jobs I have had, but I can tell you that if I obeyed God, I usually didn’t have a problem with violating laws, policies and procedures or court orders. Neat how that works isn’t it. It’s especially good for someone like me who doesn’t care to read policy and procedure manuals.

I do, however, like to read the Bible. I also love to study the Bible. God uses real life people to show us what to do and what not to do. The other very interesting thing about studying the Bible is no matter how many times you have read a particular passage of Scripture there is always more to be learned from it.

If you are not studying your Bible, it may be because you “just can’t get into it” or “you don’t understand it”. In Matthew 12:10, Jesus disciples asked Him why He spoke in parables. He responded in verse 11 by saying, “To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.”

They had chosen to follow Jesus. When we choose to follow Jesus, we will have a better understanding of the Bible. The more you read, the more you will want to read.

If we thirst and hunger for the Lord, we will be better able to understand what is written in the Bible and we will also thirst and hunger for His Word. This is how Jesus speaks to us, prayer is how we speak to Him. If you pray, and don’t study your Bible, you are having a one-sided conversation, you need to understand this.

God doesn’t make us sign off saying we have read the entire Bible and studied Scripture, but we will be tested time and time again in our daily lives. And one day, we will stand in judgment for the words and deeds we said and did here on earth. I don’t think the excuse of, “Oh, I didn’t know…” will fly. You may want to study your Bible; it’s the policy and procedure manual God expects us to live by.

Have a great day!