Our Forever Home

Make sure that you do not reject the One who speaks. For if they did not escape when they rejected Him who warned them on earth, even less will we if we turn way from Him who warns us from heaven.  Hebrews 12:25 HCSB

I will admit that I am a procrastinator. I like to think I’m a little better than I used to be, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. Things that I don’t care to do, for whatever reason, I tend to put off. But today I want to talk to you about something that you must not put off until later. I’m talking to you about your salvation. I’m talking to you about drawing near to God (James 4:8) and into a close relationship with Him. Most importantly, I am talking about where you spend forever.

If you are a fan of HGTV, you know who the Property Brothers are. They now have a show called, Forever Home. They renovate family homes that have stopped being functional for the family and turn them into what they call their forever homes. But I wonder if they shouldn’t change the name to Lifetime Left on Earth Home? Our forever home will either be heaven or hell, right? Now I think one problem is when we think about forever, that seems like such a long time. It sounds as if we have all kinds of time to make up our minds about what we will do and how we will behave. But my friend, that decision has to be made now. We have to turn to God now, tomorrow may be too late. Even five minutes from now may be too late. We are told in Matthew 24:36 that no one, not even the angels or the Son of Man knows the hour that Christ will return, only God Himself. Not one of us knows when God will call us to our eternal home or when we will begin eternity in our forever home.

God wants us to turn to Him. He wants us to love Him and put Him above all other people and things in our lives but He won’t wait forever. There will come a point when it’s too late to turn back. There will come a time when it’s too late to repent and beg for his forgiveness. There will come a time when it’s too late to draw near to Him.

Ask yourself this question today, “What am I waiting for?”  Sometimes we want to get one more sin in there or we want to do the things that we know God forbids. We think that when we are done living as we want to live that we will turn to Christ. But, what if it’s too late then?

I had to give up some things that I did not think I could give up when I turned to Christ. I didn’t know how that would work out, but I can tell you that God worked it all out for me. God took care of everything. I can also tell you that there is nothing I gave up that God didn’t give me ten fold for my loss. I have received more peace and joy than I could have imagined, which more than compensated for anything I had given up.

If you are saying, “I’m going to turn to God later,” or “In a few months, I’m going to get into church” know that later may be too late. Don’t wait till it’s too late. We are not guaranteed later. We can only know for sure that we have right now this minute. I beg of you if you have unresolved sin in your life, if you are waiting to get on the right track, if you are putting off getting into a right relationship with God, don’t wait any longer. Turn to Him today, cry out to Him and repent and ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and remove your sin from you. Trust in Him today and obey His commands. There’s no better time than right now to begin your eternity with Him and your journey to your forever home.

Have a great day!