Never Stop Believing

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 HCSB

Our Bible study group is studying one of my favorite stories in the Bible, the story of Joseph. I’ll give you a brief synopsis. Joseph was his father’s favorite son. His brothers grew to despise him and eventually went so far as to plot his death. His oldest brother stepped up and suggested that they not kill him but just throw him into a pit. This brother hoped to go back and get him later, but he was too late. The other brothers had sold him into slavery and he was taken to Egypt. There he was sold to a man named Potiphar. Potiphar placed Joseph in charge of all that he owned. Potiphar’s wife began to lust after Joseph and when Joseph rejected her, she accused Joseph of trying to rape her. This lands Joseph in jail. While in jail, Joseph was placed in charge of the prison. Once again, God had looked out for him. God helped him interpret the dreams of two of the Pharaoh’s employees. One promised to speak to Pharaoh about releasing him when he got out. This man was Pharaoh’s cupbearer and he forgot to mention Joseph once he was released. It wasn’t until two years later that Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret and the cupbearer remembered Joseph. When Joseph was brought to Pharaoh, he told him that God could interpret the dream. He always gave God the credit. Pharaoh’s dream had been a prophetic dream about a famine that would be coming on the land in seven years. Pharaoh saw that God was with Joseph and had given Joseph wisdom. He put him in charge of all the land. Joseph went from prisoner to second in command in Egypt in less than a day.

When Joseph’s brothers came to buy grain, Joseph recognized them but they didn’t recognize him. He spent some time with them so he could see if their hearts had changed. He tested them several times and found that their hearts had changed and they were no longer the evil, hatred men they had once been. He invited them to bring his father and all their family and flocks to live in Egypt. The Pharaoh offered them a very fertile land to settle in near the Nile River.

Can you imagine being Joseph? He went from royalty to being a slave. He went from slave to prisoner. He went from prisoner to ruler over the land, second in command to Pharaoh. If any one of these steps had been skipped Joseph would not have been where he needed to be when this famine came. He would not have been able to save the lives of many people, including his own family. God had been working this out all along.

In Genesis 45 Joseph finally reveals his identity to his brothers. They were terrified. They would spend years fearing that Joseph would avenge them for the horrible way they had treated him. But instead of vengeance, Joseph showed them mercy. He told them in verse 5, “now don’t be worried or angry with yourselves for selling me here, because God sent me ahead of you to preserve life.” In verse 8 he tells them, “It was not you who sent me here but God.” Wow!

Joseph is not angry with his brothers. He has seen God’s hand in all that has happened. God has taken good care of him even through the tough times. Wherever he found himself, God was taking care of him. God was preparing the way for him to become a leader and save many lives.

If you are going through some hard times, trust in God. We are told in Galatians 6:9 that we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Never give up. Trust in God. We are told in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has good plans for us. He had good plans for Joseph, but it would take Joseph 13 years to get there. This whole time through being sold into slavery and then being imprisoned, God had been working things out for Joseph’s good and also for the good of his family and many others. Joseph never stopped loving the Lord and being obedient to Him and it showed. Those around Him could see that God was with him. Show those around you that God is with you. Never stop believing in Him and trusting in Him. Obey Him. Do what He has called you to do. Keep doing good and know that God is working all things out for your good.

Have a great day!