Maybe Later

Pay careful attention to how you walk-not as unwise people but as wise-making the most of the time because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.    Ephesians 5:15-17 HCSB

When I retired, I envisioned getting all these things done I had been putting off. I found, however, that once I retired, I procrastinated. I would say, “Maybe later I will do it.” My reasoning was now that I was retired, I could do it anytime. It didn’t have to be right now.

We say things like, “Maybe later” or “I’ll get around to it eventually”. Sadly, we don’t know what later will bring. Proverbs 27:1 tells us not to boast about tomorrow, for we don’t know what a day may bring. There is an old Yiddish proverb that says, “Man plans and God laughs.”

Only God knows what our future holds. My mom used to say, “Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?” In other words just get it done.

If you think about it, “Maybe later” can be a powerful tool used by the devil. If the devil can convince us to put things off, there’s a good chance they will never happen at all. Are you saying, “Maybe later” to something today?

Is God calling you to do something? Is your response, “Maybe later”? We all know tomorrow may be too late. I lost several friends to COVID during the pandemic. I had wondered if they were saved, but I had not talked to them about their salvation. I had not shared the gospel with them.

I had seen these people out and about and thought, “Maybe later” I’ll talk to them about their relationship with Jesus. Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to speak with them again. They died with me wondering if they were saved.

We are all called to spread the gospel. We are all called to witness to others about the life we have found in Christ. We are all called to do our part by encouraging people come to Christ and be saved.

James 4:17 says if we know what is right and don’t do it we are sinning. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus told His disciples to go forth and make disciples. Are we not His disciples? Shouldn’t we be doing the same?

That gentle nudging I was getting to talk to these people about their salvation was from God’s Holy Spirit. He knew it would be my last chance. The “Maybe later” was from the devil. Sadly, I listened to the devil.

There are many other times we listen to the devil. We must strive to tune the devil out. We do this by immersing ourselves in God’s word and by continual prayer.

When we wake up in the morning and we know we need to start our day by spending time with God, the devil tells us it can wait. First look at your social media or perhaps check the weather or your bank account or any other distraction he can throw your way. You can get around to God later.

If we aren’t saved, the devil tells us there is no rush. You can just do it later. You don’t need to change your ways right now. You are having too much fun drinking with your friends and sleeping in on Sunday. You can trust God later. You can change your life later.

My friend we are not guaranteed later. None of us know if we will live another minute on this planet. None of us know when the rapture will happen. It could be before you finish reading this. Are you ready? Or are you saying, “Maybe later”?

I urge you to draw near to Jesus Christ right now. Don’t waste another second. Confess your sins to Him and repent and allow Him to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Don’t say you will do it later because later may be too late. Don’t wait to share the gospel with your friends and loved ones. Don’t wait to get into a good Bible teaching church. Don’t wait to study your Bible and pray continually. Do it now.

Have a great day!