Marble or Sand?

Moses recounted to his father-in-law all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, all the hardships that confronted them on the way, and how the LORD delivered them.     Exodus 18:8 HCSB

Charles Spurgeon once said that God’s people are more prone to engrave their trials in marble and their blessings in sand. That hit me like a brick when I read that quote. How many times have I talked about my hardships like I was stuck with them forever? How many times have I spoken in despair? And even worse, how many times have I made brief mention about how God has blessed me? How many times have I glossed over the good things He has done in my life so I could focus on my troubles? Unfortunately, I have done this far too many times.

Note in our Scripture passage, Moses doesn’t recount all that he did, he recounts all that the LORD had done. He gives God full credit because this is where the credit is due. Often times we think we do all these good things, and we forget that without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).

We need to take a long look at how we handle the trials and tribulations in our life. We need to rejoice when God brings us through a trial. We need to keep our grumbling and complaining to a minimum.  We should always praise more than we complain. We should give thanks in every circumstance knowing that God is working it for our good if we love Him and are living our lives according to the calling He has placed on us.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a trial because we have made wrong decisions and bring problems upon ourselves. Sometimes we find ourselves in a trial because of the action of others. Sometimes we have no idea why we are in a trial. No matter why we are in a trial, we know we have a Savior that provides a way out. We know we can trust in Him.

Do you permanently engrave your troubles by dwelling on them as if they are hopeless and you will never get relief? When God blesses you do you rejoice for a brief moment and then go back to thinking about all that is wrong in your life? Do your blessings get washed away in the next wave of despair?

We are told numerous times to be brave and courageous and not to fear. In several places in the Bible including the Old Testament and the New Testament we are told God will never leave us nor forsake us. We can write this in stone. We can trust in His word.

Our troubles will come and go, but our Lord and Savior is here to stay. Give it all over to Him trust in Him. Don’t just count your blessings dwell on them. Remember them always. Always be mindful of all God has done for you.

Know that trials are temporary. We are told in James 1:2-4 to consider it a joy when we go through various trials because this is how God grows mature Christians. They are part of our growth process. They are necessary to make us complete.

If you have been engraving your trials in marble and writing your blessings in the sand, try switching it up.

Focus on all that is good and know that God is good as we are told in Philippians 4:8.

Have a great day!