Making a Good Impression

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.     2 Timothy 2:15-16 HCSB

We may not be so concerned about making a good impression when we go to Walmart. But there are times in our lives when we may find it important to make a good impression. We want to make good impressions on job interviews, on our bosses, on our future spouse, and on our future in-laws.

Our Scripture passage today is an excerpt from the letter written by Paul to Timothy. He is telling Timothy and the church to work diligently to present themselves approved to God. We need to make a good impression on God. We need God’s approval. We should not be ashamed of our love for God or the gospel.

We must rightly divide the word of truth. This means don’t pull Scriptures out of context. This means studying your Bible, so you get a good understanding of what is being said and what it means. Again, this is why we must be careful about the churches we attend and the pastors we follow.

We must be sure to check preachings and teachings to be sure they line up with God’s holy word. We need to be sure they are not taking Scripture out of context. We must be sure they are not teaching anything contrary to Scripture.

We must know God’s word to live God’s word. This is what Christianity is all about. We are to put God first. We are to study His word. We are to love Him with all our hearts. When we love someone with all our hearts, we want to please them. We want to diligently seek their approval.

In verse 16, Paul cautions them to stay away from idle babblings as they lead to ungodliness. They are warned to avoid profane speech. We must be careful with the things we say. We are told in Matthew 12:36-37 on the day of judgment we will give account for every idle word we speak. We are told by our words we will be justified and by our words, we will be condemned.

That’s really scary when you think about it. We are going to be judged for the things we say. If we are wise, we will consider Matthew 12:36-37 before we speak.

We live in a world where we are encouraged to impress other people even those who openly sin. The only impression we should be concerned about is the one we make to God. We should be able to present ourselves to Him as a worker. Are you doing the work God has called you to do? Or are you spending too much idle time on the Internet or in front of the television?

We should be unashamed of the work we do for Christ. We should be glad to be a soldier for Christ. We should be growing in Christian maturity and learning to rightly divide God’s word. This comes from Bible study and from being taught by more mature Christians.

Lastly, refrain from profane and idle babbling. Avoid gossip. Avoid talk that is negative or not helpful to anyone. Avoid taking the Lord’s name in vain and avoid profanity.

There will come a day, and I believe it is coming soon when we will present ourselves before God. We will answer for the things we did and the things we failed to do. Be ready to present yourself. Seek God’s approval above all other things for his approval is all that really matters.

Have a great day!