Just A Little Talk With Jesus

Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.  Ephesians 6:18  HCSB

I grew up singing the song, Just a Little Talk With Jesus. This song was published in 1937 by Cleavant Derricks and has been performed by many notable artists including Elvis Presley and Jimmy Dean. The lyrics begin with, “I once was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, And then a little light from heaven filled my soul. It bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above, and just a little talk with Jesus makes me whole.”  The chorus says, “Now let us have a little talk with Jesus, He will hear our faintest cry and answer by and by. And when you feel a little prayer wheel turning,  and you know a little fire is burning. You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right.

Now this is a catchy little tune that is fun to sing, but I want you to think about when was the last time that you had a little talk with Jesus? When was the last time that you just talked to Him like a child talking with their father or had a friend to friend conversation with Him? He is the great physician, when we are sick we can talk to Him as we talk to our doctor. He is the great counselor, we can speak with Him as we can our therapist. He loves us more than we can comprehend (John 3:16).

Often times our prayers are not little talks with Jesus, but they are rants and raves where we whine and complain. They can become all about us begging God for things. But we should be talking to Him when things are good and when things are bad. Talking with Jesus should be something that we do just because we love Him and we want to keep an open line of communication.

My mother has dementia. She can answer simple questions, but I can no longer sit down and have a conversation with her. Oh, how I miss that. We used to spend hours just talking about what was going on in our lives. We used to travel together and have all day shopping trips and go to lunch together. But, I can no longer sit and talk with my mom. I can share a smile with her and ask a question and sometimes get an appropriate response. But, the days of endless conversations are gone.

But Jesus is right here for me. I can talk to Him no matter what I’m going through. I always have something to be thankful for when I speak with Him. He always provides for me and takes good care of me. Even when things seem bleak, I have the blessed assurance that He is working all things for my good (Romans 8:28). I am so grateful for the opportunity to talk to Him. I pray that I never take it for granted.

I also pray that in your busy life that you take time for a little talk with Jesus. I have learned that I can talk with Him when I am out riding on my mower or when I am driving (just keep your eyes open). I can talk to Him when I am sitting in the quiet stillness. I can talk to Him when I am taking a nice hot bath. I have a little talk with Jesus several times a day. And you know what? The song is right, it does make me whole. It does make things right.

Please don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself. Why not talk with Jesus throughout the day. You will be amazed at what it can do for you. Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right. If you are tired of things being wrong, you know what to do. Talk with Him. Study your Bible so that through His word, He can talk to you. Your heart will be bathed in love and your name written above (Revelation 13:8). He’s waiting to hear from you, have a little talk with him today.

Have a great day!