It’s Taken Care Of

He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness; you have been healed by His wounds.

1 Peter 2:24 HCSB

I don’t know about you, but, “It’s taken care of” are four words that I like to hear.  When I go to pay a bill and someone tells me that, it makes me happy.  When I have a certain need and express that need to someone, those words are comforting. When something is broken and needs fixing, those are the words I want to hear.

Over this past weekend, our upstairs central cooling unit went out. I had high hopes that our repair person would look at it, add a little Freon and tell me, “It’s taken care of” and then I could write him a check.  That’s not exactly how it went. Our repair man had to deliver the bad news that the unit would have to be replaced. What’s worse is that it went out on Friday night and of course, we weren’t able to get the unit until Monday evening.  The good thing about it is that I received total affirmation that I do not want to go to hell. Our upstairs bedroom was like an oven, even with four fans going.  So Monday evening, when our repair man walked in and said, “It’s taken care of”, those words were music to my ears.  I was able to go upstairs and feel the cool air, it was great.

Often times we worry about things when God has already taken care of them.  Jesus died on that cross long before we were ever a twinkle in our parent’s eyes. He did this so that we could live in righteousness.  The battle that we fight daily, well, “It’s taken care of”.  If you will read the end of the book, you will see that we win.  God fights our battles and He always wins.

Now, I don’ t know what you’re facing today, but I know that whatever it is, God’s got this. God is ready to handle whatever it is.  He’s ready to take care of it. Know that it’s taken care of. Know that you can trust Him. The situation with our air conditioner was bad because of the great expense involved. Now I could sit and worry and fret about all the money that I spent, but I know that God is taking care of it.  I mentioned to you a few weeks ago that our above ground pool was damaged in a storm. We found that to repair it would cost just a few hundred dollars shy of replacing it.  We decided to forego the pool for the summer.  I will be honest and say that I wondered why God took our pool away.  I told my husband that maybe it was to save someone from drowning, but whatever it was I felt that it was God looking out for us. Running the pool during the summer brings the added expense of maintenance with chemicals and a higher utility bill due to running the pump.  We had saved money for the pool and were able to use that money towards the air conditioning unit for upstairs.  We were a bit disappointed in not having our pool, but given the choice I can tell you that I’d much rather have air conditioning in my bedroom upstairs. Just another example of how God takes good care of us.

When we turn to Him and trust in Him, we can rest assured that he’s got our back.  He’s going to take care of every need that we have.  We may not have every want fulfilled, but we will have all that we need.  Our swimming pool was a want, our air conditioner is a need.

My prayer for you today is that you are living your life securely in God’s hands knowing that all your needs are already taken care of.  He knows what your future holds and He’s already taken care of it.  He has healed us, He has broken off our chains of bondage to sin, He has already taken care of every need. If you have not turned to Him and trusted Him, won’t you do it today?  Then you will know that whatever comes along, “It’s taken care of”.

Have a great day!