Is Your Bible Dusty?

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12 ESV

I want to begin today by asking you a question. When was the last time that you picked up your Bible. I don’t mean your smartphone or your computer, I mean your good old-fashioned Bible? Maybe you have many Bibles scattered throughout your home collecting dust. Now some of you are saying that you read the Bible on your smartphone or your tablet or your computer. That’s okay, but this could lead to distractions. It’s kind of like trying to do an online meeting with your boss with a 2 year old running around. Our phones or computers also have our emails, text messages, and other kinds of pop-ups and notifications that could distract us from what we are doing.

I am asking about your Bible because I think that we have lost our perspective on just how powerful God’s word really is. Our scripture passage today tells us that it is sharper than any double edged sword. It is living and active. It can pierce to the division of the soul and spirit. When we get into God’s word, we need to remove all distractions. We should read the Bible without the tv on in front of us. We should read God’s word without the distraction sounds and notifications from our cellphones popping up. If I am going to take the time to talk to someone, I want their undivided attention, don’t you? I am sure that if you want to talk to me, you want my undivided attention. If I am distracted by the tv or my phone, you are probably not going to get my undivided attention.

Another reason we fail to pick up our Bibles is that we rely on programs or devotions from our favorite evangelist and this is not a bad thing if we are able to use wisdom and discernment in knowing who to read or listen to. We get that wisdom and discernment through prayer and Bible study. If you are not engaging in prayer and Bible study, you could easily be led astray. Our pastor is constantly telling us not to take his word for it, but to use our Bibles to verify what he tells us. If I should ever type something in here that is not biblical, I beg of you to please message me and let me know.

We are warned about false prophets. In Matthew 7:15 Jesus says, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” In Matthew 10:16, Jesus warns His disciples of persecution and tells them, “Look, I’m sending you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves.”

We are living in perilous times. We see evil all around us. The devil is hard at work. He works much harder on those of us who love the Lord. He has no need to bother with those who don’t. If you love the Lord, know that the devil wants to change that. If he can’t change that, he at least wants to distract you. We must be strong and wise, but we must also be blameless and pure.

Our strength and wisdom come from God and His Holy Word. I encourage you today to dust off your Bible and dive into the rich history that the Old Testament offers. Discover the presence of Jesus throughout the Old Testament. Read the New Testament and the gospel story. Read about Jesus’ life here on earth. Study the book of Revelation so that what is going on in this cold, cruel world will not catch you by surprise.

There have been many movies made about the gospel and about certain characters in the Old Testament. You will have no way of knowing if these movies are biblically accurate or if they have been Hollywoodized into something that is nowhere near the truth if you don’t study your Bible.

I  also encourage you to get into a good Bible study where you actually study God’s word. If you find the Bible confusing, pray to God for wisdom and get yourself a good study Bible or even an amplified study Bible which really breaks thing down and simplifies the scripture for you.

In Ephesians 6:17 we are told to take the Helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word. My friend, you can’t defend yourself against Satan’s attack if you aren’t in God’s word. I have used my “Sword” to deflect many an arguments. I have seen people who were looking for a fight drop dead in their tracks when I pulled out my sword of the Spirit. God’s word is living and active. It is sharp as any two edged sword. We need to be well trained and ready to use it.

Have a great day!