Is God Waiting For You to Change?

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.     Hebrews 11:6 ESV

Waiting on God’s timing can be excruciating at times. When we want God to change our circumstances, it can seem to take forever. We may wonder if He is ever going to come through. Have you ever stopped to think perhaps God is waiting to see a change in you?

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, He is waiting for you to show a little faith? Maybe He is waiting for you to honor Him. Maybe He is waiting for you to begin speaking and living your life in a way that brings Him glory, honor and praise.

I think back to times in my life when I was living just as I wanted to live and wanting God to bless it. I wanted Him to bless my life even though my life did not honor Him. It did not bring Him glory and praise. I lived a selfish life. I fit God in where I found a tiny bit of space. Yet, I wanted Him to do great things for me.

That’s crazy, isn’t it? I mean would you go all out to help someone if they were your enemy? When we sin, we are God’s enemy (Romans 5:8-10). Our sin creates a barrier between Him and us (Isaiah 59:2).

Expecting God to bless our sin sounds insane, but I did this for many years. I thought I could do a little for God here and there and He would just bless my life. I thought I could go against His commands in the way I talked and the way I lived my life, and He would be good with it.

I was so wrong. My friend, if you are thinking and living this way, you are wrong too. God is not going to bless something He hates. He hates sin. Don’t believe the devil’s lies. The devil will tell you God will overlook your sin because you are so special. You may be special alright, but this doesn’t mean God is going to give you a free pass to sin.

God punishes sin, He doesn’t honor it. He doesn’t give us a free pass to do as we please. When we wait for God, we should be serving Him. We should be honoring Him. To do anything else makes no sense whatsoever.

We ask God to heal us, to bless us, to give us things we will never deserve all while we live in our sin. Think about that one for a minute. God is a good, good father. He will not reward bad behavior. Oh sure, we see sinful people do well, but they are headed for a fall. Eventually their self-made wealth will fail them.

God deals with our sin. He doesn’t just let it go. Is He waiting for you to get your act together? Is He waiting for you to clean yourself up? Well, the answer is yes, and no. God wants us to get it together and to clean ourselves up. But praise God, He doesn’t expect us to do it all on our own.

God is waiting for you to call out to Him. He’s waiting for you to admit you’re a sinner. He’s waiting for you to believe in Him and confess your sins and repent. He waits with opens arms. Come to Him just as you are, He will cleanse you and give you righteousness (1 John 1:9).

You may think you are waiting on God for something, but know this, He may be waiting for you to come to Him. He may be waiting for you to ask Him to help you surrender to Him. He will gladly do this. Trust in Him today.

Have a great day!