Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise-dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8 HCSB
I used to hate it when I had this problem that was weighing me down like a ton of bricks and some well meaning person would tell me not to think about it. Or they would tell me that worrying about it won’t fix it. My response was usually, “I know, but I can’t help it.” Well, I have found out that this is not true. What I have learned since giving my life, which by the way includes all my baggage and worries along with the good stuff, over to God is that I can help it.
You see what I am going to be thinking about it determined by my focus. If I am focusing on some big event that’s coming up that’s what my mind will most likely turn to when I’m not busy doing other things. My grandmother used to tell me that idle hands were the devil’s workplace. Well the same is true of the idle mind.
Now if you are one of those people who is dwelling on something dreadful, and being annoyed by those who try to cheer you up or help you to think positive thoughts, let me say this, you can train your brain. We tend to think that the brain is something that just runs loose and thinks what it wants to think, but this is where we are wrong. It does that when we allow it to do that. It does that when we don’t focus on the positive and on God.
When the going gets tough and the devil throws all these negative thoughts or situations into our path, we can focus on these things, which is just what the devil wants. Or, we can give these over to God and focus on Him. We can choose to do it either way. Now, I have spent years making the devil happy by focusing on my problems, but honestly that got me nowhere.
Years ago, I had a big problem looming before me. And of course I took the mole hill of a problem and grew it into a huge mountain. I was literally consumed with the what ifs. You know when we convince ourselves that the worst possible outcome is surely what we are facing. The what ifs had consumed me. I was travelling with a dear Christian friend and it was supposed to be a fun trip, but I was really worried. My friend told me to just say, “Jesus”. In other words focus on Jesus, trust in Jesus to work this out. Pray Romans 8:28 and let God know that we trust his Word that says that all things work out for the good of those that love the Lord.
A couple years later I found myself in the middle of a court battle. But this time when the devil would try to get me to play the what if game with him I just kept praying Psalm 91. The Psalm of protection. I kept repeating scripture passages like Romans 8:28 and Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.
As court dates loomed closer, I felt the anxiety turn to excitement. I knew that God was working all things out for our good and His glory. I was just excited to see how he was going to do it. I will admit that there are still times when I experience a brief moment of worry and panic, but that’s all they are. They are brief moments. I am quickly mindful of God’s presence in my life. I then call to mind how He has parted the Red Sea and allowed me to walk through on dry land, how He has slain giants before me and how He has walked me through the fire unsinged.
Know that He can do the same for you. Turn to Him. Focus on Him. There is nothing you face that is too big for Him to handle. He has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Follow Him and allow Him to protect you and make your crooked way straight (Isaiah 45:2).
Have a great weekend!